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Wilson Alexia V - 2023 Stereophile Speaker of the Year ???

Not picking on you, just a pet peeve: "Audition" means to try out, as in "audition for a part in a play." The director is not auditioning, the actor is. Don't fall into the audiophool pretentiousness of substituting "audition" for "listen."
I guess the speaker is auditioning to the prospective buyer .
There are plenty of speakers that measure poorly and people love them. ATC, Harbeth, lots of others. It's up to the person to decide. This is my take I am not telling anyone they have to go do it, or moving goalposts. The rancor on this forum is W I L D.
The question is whether they still love them just based on just their sonic qualities compared to speakers that measure better. At the same time I do recognize there is more to a speaker than just audio fidelity, such as their looks or even perceived prestige.
f course, that picture may have been taken with the turntable in the normal upright position...then turned 180.
If so, the Empire folks (headed by Herb Horowitz*) went to the extreme trouble of constructing upside-down shelves stacked with glued-on little boxes and dipping the "suspending" chains in molten metal or glue to complete the illusion. FWIW, Dual Audio did similar demonstrations.

*Herb Horowitz died at the age of 103 in 2021 and a new biography of him is due out soon. ;)
All right, @Kal Rubinson you've triggered me again*...
DUAL encouraged their customers** to use their DUALs for party tricks!

From the manual for my DUAL 1019 (which I have, and keep, strictly for sentimental reasons)

* Yes, that is a low bar. :facepalm:
** At least in the US (i.e., perhaps United Audio's doing and not Gebrüder Steidinger's). ;)
How on earth is she going to change that record, ridiculous.
We present the quantum enhanced, cryogenically treated, audiophile stepladder.

Also suitable for mounting Atmos speakers.
FWIW, Dual Audio did similar demonstrations.
Here a photo from a fair in those good old days, it was rotating around both axes:


Source of the photo: https://www.dual-board.de/index.php?thread/10925-wandmontage-plattenspieler-senkrecht-aufstellen/
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