Major Contributor
I'm following your journey with interest and applaud your desire to understand the fundamental mathematics underlying a digital signal. It's a great approach (one I can't follow, my maths isn't strong enough)I cannot extract more information from Morty’s video, and I’m not sure that only one band limited signal that can pass thorough the samples. This is an affirmation by the autor, I can search more with time and learn the mathematics.
I always work better with learning the proofs than accepting authority arguments.
I can intuit what you’re telling with the unique possible line, because if one tries to add another different line passing by same samples, adding extra curves will implicate high frequencies out of the band added to the signal.
Thanks for your patience and effort!
As measure as I write, I can figure what’s going on with the key words “band limited”, this creates also a limited subspace of possible representable signals on the time domain.
Even I understand why I didn’t think about that, always studied Fourier in pure mathematics, and there’s no limitation of frequencies: they go from minus to plus infinity (use of negative frequencies is allowed, too).
Can I add a thought: you should apply the same rigour to any listening tests that you do as well. There is good behavioural science on perception bias and the need for controls in subjective tests - very well developed in medicine.
This thread, for me, is the embodiment of ASR