There is a page before the measurement itself showing the details of the test that you put in the title. It is presented differently, but all the test information is in the document.
It is not. None of the conditions of the device under test are in that report as AP can't possibly know that. Again, example:
Nor is there a cursor there indicating peak performance as I have here. Also, there is no label as I have for each channel. All of this is there not just for documentation but also thought that I put into each measurement, what I am doing, and why.
In addition, I play with scales, size of the graph, etc. to optimize information conveyance. Compare all of this with what you quoted from him:
He doesn't even know to use dB as the vertical scale. As if he or you all are going to remember all those decimal places.
Look at this graph of linearity:
See how compressed it is horizontally, completely squashing resolution in X axis? This is what batch configuration does to you with every graph the same size in AP report. Look again at my linearity measurments:
See how I have clearly documented the characteristics of the device under test, including the critical volume level. And the fact that the graph is sized wide enough to see real variations all the way down to -80 dB.
See how he has kept the default useless AP label where the viewer has no idea what it means. While I have put a large label indicating what you should pay attention to.
What I have been quoting from him is the Gustard X18 measurement. He has no measurement corresponding to this that I ran:
Look at the rich set of documentation again in the graph.
I spend a ton of time analyzing each measurement and post processing the results and proper summary in the graphs. It is not just an instrumentation dump as he is doing. The measurements are quick. This stuff is not.
In summary you are getting a full custom set of measurements in every review I do. It is not a blind push a button and create a whole bunch of measurements as he is doing.
What is there in that report is a bunch of useless stuff that people's eyes glaze over and hence, never read. Go ahead and tell me what you got out of this you quoted:
Did you notice the start frequency is 22 Hertz? Why is it not 20 Hz? What did you learn from "generator level -20 dBFS?" Did he really test the unit at less than full scale, 0 dBFS? What good is "DC Offset: 0.000 D?" You think that applies to that measurement?
You didn't read any of this, did you? You just ignored them as I mentioned above. Instead, you are impressed that useless information is there but missed that critical information about the device under test, was not.
What you are advocating is sloppy reporting based on volume of stuff, than quality of what is presented. Anytime I see AP reports like above, I know that a) it is going to be hard to interpret due to lack of documentation and b) wreaks of laziness.
Go ahead and tell me that you think his measurement set is more informative, easier to read and understand, than mine:
Until then you are wasting my time with these protests.