• WANTED: Happy members who like to discuss audio and other topics related to our interest. Desire to learn and share knowledge of science required. There are many reviews of audio hardware and expert members to help answer your questions. Click here to have your audio equipment measured for free!

Welcome New Members to ASR, introduce yourself here.

I missed this thread when I registered. Back in the early 70's as a young teen I used to pull old valve equipment to pieces and built an AM diode radio that drove a loudspeaker sans power supply. My father an electrical engineer was impressed. I got addicted to computing and it was only since March this year post COVID that I got into listening to music as a hobby rather than background.
I am not in fact a new member and go back years; I had time out because I was ill (Aortic valve replacement) nearly 4 years ago and I lost all of my account details. I am a retired engineer (not in audio but I did design and build my own pre/power amps) and I have rebuilt over ten R2R machines - my favourite is the Ferrograph Logic 7, as it sounds beautiful. I now specialise in remastering crushed over processed original audio productions, reel to reel tapes and recovering 16 (redbook) bit to sound and look characteristically and sonically like it is Hi_res and if of the age, master tape. Please do not argue until you've heard the results.
Hi ASR community,

My name is Maxime, I'm a French guy, living in Asia from 2019 and Bali from pandemic.

I'm working online and I love to listen good quality music, this boost my creativity too, I love it!

I'm the type of person having used FLAC when it was launch in 2001, I remembered my Sennheiser HD595, long time ago.

Glad to post my first message here.

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Glad to post my first message here.

Welcome @MaximusFr! :)


Hi, my name is George and I am passionate about vintage; I love to restore and overhaul vintage electronics even if my skills are limited but the passion manages to overcome impossible obstacles.
Greetings to the whole community
Hi all,
new comer in the forum!
I have been reading for long time now then I decided to join "officially". I have a very cheap and simple system (a RPi 2B streamer based on Volumio, a Khadas TB1 usb DAC, TPA3221 amplifier, Lonpoo LP42 speaker).
I am very far from real "Hi-Fi" but happy to play with q/p product.
I am planning to switch from RPi 2B to an Asus TinkerBoard for skipping USB/Eth bottleneck.
Kind greetings from the Greater Seattle metro area of the USA. I listen to way too much recorded music!

Way back in the 20th century, when I was pursuing an undergraduate degree at Western Washington University, I was enrolled in a student in a Physics 200-level 3-credit course called The Physics of High Fidelity. It was a terrific opportunity to learn how to objectively measure and evaluate audio electronics, as well as to learn about subjective "audiophilia".

The Physics of High Fidelity was team-taught by a physics professor who taught the scientific methodology, and a staff technical consultant who taught about audiophile critical listening and subjective evaluation of equipment. Methinks this kind of course isn't terribly commonplace at universities today, and for the record this was the only physics course I undertook during my undergrad years. I have memories of using the oscilloscopes and other testing equipment and learning about electrical and electronic principles, but other than knowledge from that course and from other episodes of life experience I don't purport to any special skills with diagnosing or repairing electrical or electronic stuff.

Although I've dabbled with some higher-end audio gear in the past, I've regarded the audiophile business with a fair amount of skepticism. Yes, my ears can hear and my body can sense some of the very subtle differences in output from different gear, but I also recognize "confirmation bias" as a human factor in many such evaluations. Most of what I actually own for equipment is 20th-century-vintage medium-high level gear, not stuff purporting to be "state of the art".
Hello from the California desert. Longtime audiophile, recent lurker here. This place is an audio slice of heaven for a retired science teacher. My most recent system consisted of M&KSound active studio monitors and subwoofer, a Bryston preamp, Logitech Transporter and Sota Nova turntable. The speakers and Transporter died awhile ago, so I have been mainly bluetooth headphone based recently. However, UPS delivered today, a pair of Revel Performa F208s in walnut, and a NAD C298 amplifier, with Blue Jeans Cables due tomorrow. Can't wait to crank this up to listen to my favorite Blues & Roots, ProgRock & ProgMetal, and Jazz, especially modern Big Band. I'm sure to have questions, as I plan to incorprate room correction, somehow, eventually.

However, UPS delivered today, a pair of Revel Performa F208s in walnut, and a NAD C298 amplifier
Well that would have been a most welcome delivery, nice... oh and welcome. :)

20221103_185953.jpgThanks for the welcome, JSmith.
Yes, quite a nice delivery indeed. First plays will have to be old school via CDs. It's gonna take me acoupla days to get my streaming set up.
I'm usually a grills off guy, but these look pretty nice with the grills on. Shiny drivers because the plastic is still on. But not for long.
However, UPS delivered today, a pair of Revel Performa F208s in walnut, and a NAD C298 amplifier, with Blue Jeans Cables due tomorrow. Can't wait to crank this up to listen to my favorite Blues & Roots, ProgRock & ProgMetal, and Jazz, especially modern Big Band.

Christmas came early! Very nice.


bought a pair of these beauties and came to check if any HDMI dacs available.... Not Yet. :)
Hi folks, I’m AJ. Also a fellow Aussie, and just signed up. I was sort of avoiding hifi for the sake of my wallet but that failed. A new MacBook Air brought me back of all things. Used to have a decent system and the enjoyment I had from this new piece of gear brought back some good memories and the hunger with it. Only using hd58x and a magni 3 but ordered some planars and I’m hoping it maxes out my DAC-less setup. The temptation to splurge on a DAC is there but south of 600 I don’t think there’s much improvement to be made over it given my preferred streaming service is Apple Music
So hi everyone, promise to lurk more than shitpost.
Hello from Brooklyn:

I’ve been lurking for couple of years, and finally decided to officially join.

Been listening closely to music for about 40 years. The genres I most listen to are jazz, “world” music, 60s/70s Soul, etc., and will happily listen to most anything that strikes me as interesting or moving.

I’m in the process of reconfiguring my system, and I’ve already found this site invaluable. I’ve saved quite a bit of money realizing that I don’t need to spend more than about $100 or for a DAC or headphone amp to get all the performance I need.

I’ll soon be posting a few questions as I make some choices regarding some choices I’ll be making regarding the home theater system I’m putting together in my small(ish) listen space.

Thanks in advance for the guidance!

Eric Douglas
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