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Topping DX3 Pro+ Review (DAC & Headphone Amp)

I just unboxed my TOPPING DX3 PRO + to find it has a 220v plug.

Can someone tell me what the name of the barrel connector is that connects to the DAC so I can order a 110 wall wart?

Thank you,

Is the plug on a cable or a wallwart? If on a cable it may be easier to cut it off and fit a US one.
I'm having a small problem with my unit humming, in case anyone here is feeling helpful:
I sold the first one of these I purchased to a buddy about a year ago, and recently came to need another, as my expensive DAC/preamp needs repair (don't ask, it is my fault). It arrived today. I won't be selling this one even after I get my other one fixed, it's always good to have backups, and this little one is tough to beat for the money. :)

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I sold the first one of these I purchased to a buddy about a year ago, and recently came to need another, as my expensive DAC/preamp needs repair (don't ask, it is my fault). It arrived today. I won't be selling this one even after I get my other one fixed, it's always good to have backups, and this little one is tough to beat for the money. :)

View attachment 369893
I am a big beileiver in having gear on hand to replace whatever it is in my "full of seperates only" stereo systems (2, both of which I have either duplicates of what is in the system or some item that can be substituted for whatever is in each system). This mindset keeps me from ever being without the ability to have very good quality sound while something is being out for repairs.
Hi guys!
I'm quite a noob in Hi-Fi and will appreciate your opinion, if you don't mind.

My current setup is:

WiiM Mini as a digital transport connected by Optical out to
Schiit Bifrost Multibit as DAC
Fossi V3 as an amp
Wharfedale Linton speakers

Will it be REAL DIFFERENCE in changing my badly reviewed here Bifrost Multibit to Topping DX3 Pro+?

Thank you for your opinions!
Will it be REAL DIFFERENCE in changing my badly reviewed here Bifrost Multibit to Topping DX3 Pro+?
There might be an audible difference. It is unlikely to be "night and day"

If you enjoy the sound you have now, I don't see much point in changing. If you really want to find out, try to borrow pretty much any modern standard style DAC (or even use the analogue output of the Wiim which measures much better than the Bifrost) to see if you can hear the difference.
There might be an audible difference. It is unlikely to be "night and day"

If you enjoy the sound you have now, I don't see much point in changing. If you really want to find out, try to borrow pretty much any modern standard style DAC (or even use the analogue output of the Wiim which measures much better than the Bifrost) to see if you can hear the difference.
Dear Sir, thank you for your reply!

If WiiM Mini measures much better then this shit, I will use it's inboard DAC till I'm saving money to buy Technics SU-GX70.

Thank you again for your help and have a great day!
I sold the first one of these I purchased to a buddy about a year ago, and recently came to need another, as my expensive DAC/preamp needs repair (don't ask, it is my fault). It arrived today. I won't be selling this one even after I get my other one fixed, it's always good to have backups, and this little one is tough to beat for the money. :)

View attachment 369893
Always have a backup ack up piece of gear for anything that you have in your stereo gear (something that you can develop through time [it doesn't have to be as good as your main gear, just something to get you through those occasional times when you might have a piece of gear out for repair, upgrade or it just totally failed]). Then, at least you have something to put in it's place until you get it back or replace it.
I have enough of my old gear that I have 2 totally unneeded systems (one of which I put in my mother's home so that she could play her Austrian folk music LP's & listen to FM radio (she's 90 [looks 60] and still very active, driving to the pool {she is not a scary driver & frequently leaves leaves stop lights quicker than the next person}), going to exercise classes, etc.. She still hears well, although in restaurants or where there is a lot of background noise, she uses hearing aids.
Good lick with everything.
Always have a backup ack up piece of gear for anything that you have in your stereo gear (something that you can develop through time [it doesn't have to be as good as your main gear, just something to get you through those occasional times when you might have a piece of gear out for repair, upgrade or it just totally failed]). Then, at least you have something to put in it's place until you get it back or replace it.
I have enough of my old gear that I have 2 totally unneeded systems (one of which I put in my mother's home so that she could play her Austrian folk music LP's & listen to FM radio (she's 90 [looks 60] and still very active, driving to the pool {she is not a scary driver & frequently leaves leaves stop lights quicker than the next person}), going to exercise classes, etc.. She still hears well, although in restaurants or where there is a lot of background noise, she uses hearing aids.
Good lick with everything.
Always take good care of your moms, sadly they are the only piece of gear we can't get a backup unit for.
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Can someone tell me what the name of the barrel connector is that connects to the DAC so I can order a 110 wall wart?

In this thread, another Topping DAC was confirmed to be 2.1x5.5mm:

So it's at least a good place to start. You could e-mail Topping as well, looks like they don't mind telling you. And maybe they could send a replacement at a decent price?

DigiKey has some "tricks" to help you measure the barrel size. You could also try e.g. laptop wall warts to see if it matches, and look up the barrel size on those from info sites or maybe ebay/aliexpress generic versions. Most of those are 2155 or 2555 too, I think.

Contrary to some comments I've seen about 15v being an oddball voltage, a large variety of generic warts seem available in the $10-30 range. Just be aware that barrels of the same size can come in different lengths (usually a much longer version?). And get a replacement with a current (amp) rating at least as high as the Topping PSU's (output) amp rating.
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Hmm.. My unit works fine so don't really feel the need to upgrade to solve some mysterious "known bugs", apparently it doesn't bug me ;)
I've one bug with one of my 2 units. Once, and I couldn't reproduce it: When waking from stand-by, there was no sound while the device behaved entirely normally otherwise.
Toggling mute or sending it back into stand-by and waking it again didn't change anything, disconnecting power reset it and it hasn't happened since.

Would be good to know if that was a known bug and perhaps one of those that got fixed.
Beyond that I have a small wishlist for firmware changes...
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Has anyone recently tried to download the drivers? I was able to download the latest firmware installer. All of the driver links on the site seem to lead to 404-Page Not Found.
I've been running the new 1.28 firmware for the last few hours without any issues. Biggest change I have noticed is the temperature of the unit. The v1.25 firmware after a few hours of use would be very warm, with the 1.28 firmware after 2 hours of listening is cool to the touch.
Is anyone here set up to measure power draw pre/post firmware update?
I've been running the new 1.28 firmware for the last few hours without any issues. Biggest change I have noticed is the temperature of the unit. The v1.25 firmware after a few hours of use would be very warm, with the 1.28 firmware after 2 hours of listening is cool to the touch.
Tried it with mine, it's warm to the touch just sitting idle. No change compared to the old firmware (1.24).
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