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The Audio Pro Link 2 streamer - Any experiences and impressions available?


Active Member
Jul 3, 2020
French side of Europe
Hello all , here’s one request for the swarm intelligence.

I have noticed the Swedish- Chinese Audio Pro Link 2 alternative to the WIIM Pro streamer in the WIIM pro thread.

I’ve seen it touched briefly as well in DARKO’s year’s end product portfolio achieving visibly less enthusiasm than the WIIM Pro device.
From the pictures at their website the device and the images in the video the LINK 2 reminds me design wise at the Soncoz L- series, from which I love especially the DAC LA-QXD1 a lot. Imho, both devices could make optically an excellent fit, if stacked, when the Soncoz takes the place upstairs. (APL2 18,5 x12 cm vs 15 x 9 cm LA). I could be intrigued ;-)



The LINK 2 seems to be the upgrade to the LINK one from 2017 that had sported the A28 module from WIIMU, which now seems to be part of the LINKPLAY platform.

I was looking for some more detailed technical information about the device that may go deeper than the specification on their homepage, which allows the assumption that they use a DAC chip (RCA output) and a later generation BT stack (4.2).

They do not mention Alexa prominently, but focus on APPLE compatibility (Airplay, AAC and Apple lossless) and they are offering - as a differentiator - an USB A Data input instead of another optical input. However, no data about USB reading capabilities are provided. But Google cast seems to be included.
The power will be supplied by 12V/1A. A trigger – as we have seen with the WIIM pro - isn’t available.

The incomplete information on their website and from the manual have left me a bit puzzled, and there is - in addition - this record player symbol with a decent underline “RIAA amplifier may be needed” visually connected to the analog inputs. Although I would agree technically, imho it looks like a marketing enhancement which could be misleading to less technical informed people.
Obviously, the analog inputs could be described differently and connecting a record spinner to the device could be explained more strictly to avoid any misinterpretations as imho analog inputs provide for analog signals from any source, and not particularly from one which needs another analog source in-between.

As they seem to use the Linkplay A98 platform (and allowing Google Cast), I would guess that their “Multiroom Audio Pro” is the Linkplay OEM platform used as well by Arylic and/or AudioEngine? Regarding the missing link to Amazon/Alexa I was wondering whether this is owed to the fact that they have premiered the Linkplay A98 module but the AMAZON function rested exclusively with Linkplay?

The Audio Pro Grantee Code for Audio Pro AB chez FCCID.io is 2AGNC. The company from Helsingborg in Sweden had a couple of devices receiving the FCC wireless applications since 2016 in collaboration with the Dongguan company Tristar Audio., which works as well with Focusrite and the Harman group.

Audio Pro seems to use the A98 G V01 module with the firmware 3.67430, just for comparison, the 2023 Audiophonics Wi-Fi module “CL-99WB” which is based on Linkplay A98 M-22 chipset shows FW 4.6.331864. It might have been the first generation A98 module from 2019 that was tested by FFCid.io for the LINK 2?

A98 v1 Audio pro FCCidio.jpg

I’d be happy to read about personal experiences with this device and hear about firmware and App updates, as this is one of importance for any comparison with the WIIM mini and the WIIM pro.

If anyone has seen measurements of that device, this thread may be the place to post it.
I checked last week with Amazon.de, the device still wasn’t available there.
Opinions about the value of paying 80 % more for the almost the same technology with simply a nicer outfit are welcome, too.

Here are the links to the FCCID. Io page for the devices.
It might be interesting if the dac is alot better in this compared to the wiim pro. Else I fail the see any advantage. I would miss the trigger out on this one and 100€.
It seems to cost twice as the Wiim Pro.
It's on sale right now on the Audio Pro Webshop. I put in a Support ticket for this question, because I can't find the answer anywhere online:

I'm looking specifically for a device to stream to Google Home speakers and speaker groups, but it's extremely difficult to know what will actually work and what won't. I already bought a Wiim Pro and am returning it because it can't do what I need it to.
It's on sale right now on the Audio Pro Webshop. I put in a Support ticket for this question, because I can't find the answer anywhere online:

I'm looking specifically for a device to stream to Google Home speakers and speaker groups, but it's extremely difficult to know what will actually work and what won't. I already bought a Wiim Pro and am returning it because it can't do what I need it to.
Not sure , but you stream from you phone or app on PC. You use Google Home app to group the speakers if you want or if you have it in different rooms, and then you use your mobile, Spotify,qobuz or the one you use, and you "cast"the !usic to them.

I don't have Google speakers, I guess you have the mini links or Nest ones, but I have goggle chromecast audio, the old ones, and I do what I described.
I also interested in This Audio Pro link, seems a WiFi streamer, like any other, but besides the manual I have not seen it alive yet, and I live in Helsingborg :p
Per Melvin H. of Audio Pro Support, the unit can't cast audio to other Google Home devices, only receive audio from Google.

I have goggle chromecast audio, the old ones, and I do what I described.

Good to hear Kegamusha, your comment was helpful. I have a new Chromecast Audio on the way. Hopefully I can find a box that does what I need. Thanks again.
Just for your information Link2 inside view photos. DAC veteran PCM1798 is still reliable choice. )


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I don’t have this device but once bought one of their active speaker thingies for my wife. It is sort of Ok but their software and integration is light years behind WiiM. Unless their current devices are massively better I wouldn’t even consider getting one instead of a WiiM, not even if they were free.
I don’t have this device but once bought one of their active speaker thingies for my wife. It is sort of Ok but their software and integration is light years behind WiiM. Unless their current devices are massively better I wouldn’t even consider getting one instead of a WiiM, not even if they were free.
Here is a thing:
WIIM sells OEM modules, but it is then up to the manufacturer to manage updates and service enhancements like Roon Ready, EQ, Chromecast or LMS functionality - which obviously isn't a priority for hw seller due to attached cost.
Arylic, i.e., does use a WIIM A98 soc with their HD DAC board. Number of updates since introduction: Perhaps a handful. Here are the WIIM mini release notes.
I'm a huge fan of Audio Pro with multiple c10's and now 3 link 2's. also have a WIIM on the same system.
Here are my current thoughts. They do sound different.. so that will be somewhat personal preference.. I'd say the WIIM is punchier sound that's more lively maybe better dynamic range. The Audio Pro is warmer and smoother more natural.. In the end I prefer the sound of the of the Audio Pro. I have not done extensive tweaking with the sound but did A/B it on a few tracks and listen to both over time.
I had been using the WIIM app to configure the system(6 devices) and then playing mainly directly from the stand alone Spotify app. The WIIM app seemed to be easier to use to configure the system. However recently(last 90 days) Audio Pro has updated their app. It looks like a clone of WIIM's App so now I will probably switch to exclusively using the Audio Pro app.
I'm a huge fan of Audio Pro with multiple c10's and now 3 link 2's. also have a WIIM on the same system.
Here are my current thoughts. They do sound different..
Uh huh.

ETA: I understand that different filters might influence the produced sound, though I'm unclear why. Certainly when I switch filters (sighted) on my D30Pro, I perceive a difference. But again, it's sighted.
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