I did not say you or ASR as an organization is accusing anybody of fraud. But someone did make that accusation and invoke ASR in a comment made on the HomeTheaterHifi review linked to in
Post #344. Obviously it is that individual who is responsible for that specific claim. I just think it's bad form and that it puts ASR in a bad light.
I am not suggesting that the manufacturer gets a free pass. I've said that repeatedly. And they already don't in that your measurements show that their product doesn't meet the stated specs. On top the manufacturer handled it poorly when you brought this up with them. The end. I don't see a need to pile further onto that. I would like to think that people can be allowed to recover from their mistakes. Their more recent product does appear to meet the stated specs, so maybe they got the message.
I don't understand where the absolutist thinking comes from. Either the manufacturer gets a free pass or we all clamour until they're out of business. And if I suggest we clamour less and watch how they recover from this, suddenly I'm giving them a free pass? I just don't understand that. I see the world in more nuanced terms than that.