I know you have a personal vendetta with all the "DR" stuff but to be perfectly frank: I always found excessively high dynamic range annoying as heck.
I don't want to flinch when a drum is hit just because I have to pump up the volume to be able to hear the subtle stuff.
DR is even more annoying in movies where dialogue (even humans screaming at the top of their lungs) is retardedly quiet compared to the boom boom effects.
I think a streaming service is great in order to discover the music, once you have found the candidates you like you can then proceed to buy physical media to get the best sonic quality. I doubt we will see multichannel FLAC streaming anytime soon.
High DR is important to me because it can immersive you better with the music. The hit of the drum will have a better punch than compared to a low DR one. Once you make the quiet and loud parts the same volume, it will sound funny and be fucked forever. Very comparable to dropping a baby.