I see how what I said could be unclear.Thanks for the explanation. You are not the first one that has quoted the Eagles as music to be used for audio subjective testing. Both cheapaudioman and stereo review X (a vintage audio reviewer from the UK) use Hotel California. The A07 should be giving you about 100WPC@ 8 ohms which is about 3 time that of the Gjallarhorn. What you are reporting with this Schiit amp is quite similar to what I've heard audiophiles report about other Schiit amps, like the Audiophiliac and the reviewer at Stereophile with the Aegir. When I bought my first Aegir I plugged it onto an old HK receiver that had SE preouts. I was expecting a drop in performance going from 35 WPC to 20 WPC (Aegir) and was shocked, shocked! at how much better the Aegir amp was performing.
So you are saying the Asgard was at 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock (I would expect the latter).
I meant the Asgard was a full 3 spots on the clock to the left of the A07. I listen to the Gjallarhorn with the Asgard at between 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock which is normal to loud listening. 10 o'clock is painful. My A07 was 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock....three "clocks" farther.
What a silly way to describe volume position but I imagine it's the best we've got.
I'm currently remodeling the downstairs which includes my new office. As such, the expense of this system comes from the remodel budget of which this is a tiny drop in the bucket. I honestly can't believe I'm getting sound this good this cheap ($780 for the stack). While I'm sure someone will have a long list of Class D amps that measure better or that they believe sound better that I could have gotten cheaper, I'm extremely satisfied.
Hell, between you and me I even emailed Schiit and asked if I should swap my Asgard for a Jotenheim so I could mono Gjallarhorns later or swap the Gjallarhorn for a Vidar and they told me it'd be a waste of money, keep my current setup. I'd see no benefit in an office environment now or likely in the future with different speakers.
Whether their motives are honest (I tend to believe so in this instance) or someone wants to claim they didn't want the return even for a more expensive product, I believe they're correct.
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