Major Contributor
I told myself hey, it's time to buy another DAC... But my wife explained me I bought 2 last month.This DAC is currently on sale at hifi-express for 305.99USD which is shocking for this sort of quality.
I received mine a week ago and its hard to believe you can get this kind of quality for 300USD ...
Also for newest drivers its best to go for those from SMSL site, you can get newest XMOS package there and it works perfectly fine with SABAJ.
I replaced my 700USD DAC from 10 years ago with this and it really is unbelievable what sort of a progress these DACs from China made over the years. My last chinese DAC was Topping D30 and it did sound horrible to my ears but from that point the progress they made is amazing.
This Sabaj is a keeper for sure.