I hv heard MP3 & FLAC frm single DAC & compared.What does FLAC sound like?
When we listen to FLAC files, sound separation is more better than MP3. Got it?
I hv heard MP3 & FLAC frm single DAC & compared.What does FLAC sound like?
@andreasmaaan , wat u r saying is making sense.Hi @Bhavin,
I think what you mean is that DSD is processed in its native DSD format by the Nano, and that PCM (which includes FLAC, but also all other PCM formats) is played back in its native PCM format.
That's correct according to the iFi website. I'm not sure if anyone's tested it to see if it's true, but there's no reason I know of that it shouldn't be true.
Anyway, the different formats probably don't sound different, but that is how the DAC is supposed to work. In other words, it plays back both DSD and PCM (and MQA, I believe) in their native formats, without converting them to another format first.
@andreasmaaan , wat u r saying is making sense.
But can u pls explain what do u mean by Nano BL do PCM process in native PCM & DSD process in native DSD?
Important thing is tht TI Burr Brown DAC of Nano BL convert Digital signals to Analog sound.
Now when we listen sound through DSD file, we get more better sound. Just like tht FLAC files' output sound is better than MP3.
Now wat procedure any DAC do fr give such good output Analog sound is not important I think! Important is tht we should get good sound like typical DSD file sound or FLAC file sound.
@andreasmaaan , I m agree abt your explanation that lossless files FLAC & DSD or lossy files like MP3 r in PCM format.Both FLAC and DSD are lossless, so they will both (probably) sound better than MP3.
But FLAC is not a format, it's a file type. The format is actually PCM, which is the same format that has been used from the beginning of the CD era (MP3 is also PCM, but it's compressed).
The differences between PCM and DSD are quite technical, and you'd be best googling it to find out more.
But both are lossless, which might be why they sound better to you than MP3. There should be no difference in sound quality between high quality, uncompressed PCM (e.g. FLAC, WAV, etc.) and DSD - unless the different versions are processed/mastered differently by the studio.
That will do MQA and at a reasonable price. For the same price and similar form factor the Dragonfly Red will as well I believe. I would prefer a more substantial desktop style unit though. But I would get either of those products if it turns out they measure very well... at this point I'm not interested in buying any DAC's unless Amir has gotten good measurements from it. I already own the Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 Digital and like it a lot. But what I'm waiting for is a company to build a unit similar in price, form, and performance to the Topping D50 but with MQA, and for Amir to measure it. I think iFi could do this if they wanted to.
It's not clear that the difference matters.The Meridian does the full MQA decode while the Red is only a renderer.
im also deciding between this and nx4 dsd, using it only on desktop with andromeda.
i actually purchased the ifi nano idsd but theres money back guarantee if unsatisfied.
seems like nx4 dsd has an edge over the ifi nano idsd but the nx4 dsd doesnt have the ability to use directly from desktop power output and will still need to bypass the battery unlike the ifi nano idsd.
not sure whether the nx4 power might be too much for the andromeda. the volume knob on my ifi nano idsd when used with andro on desktop is at most turned to 9pm. will the power of nx4 dsd be too much for the andromeda?
The nice thing with the nano is that it has IEMatch built-in. Of course, you could get the NX4 with a separate IEMatch if it is needed (to regulate power distribution or lower any hiss present).
sound wise i read that nano idsd is more of a neutral side (boring might be too excessive), and nx4 is more fun.
i believe that nano idsd is probably more suitable for sensitive/low impedance iems because of the lower power output and the addition of iematch. True you can add an iematch to the nx4 but you probably dont wanna be carrying an extra dongle and price wise it will be around the same
the iematch actually helps to remove hiss from my desktop o/p. a slight hiss is present if connected via direct o/p
hope this clears up many nx4 vs nano idsd questions in here/headfi/reddit
and thank you @amirm for your dedication in this community and creation of ASR!
People spread a lot of BS about how things sound, on the internet thoughthe nx4 should not sound any more 'fun'.
Anyway, for IEMs I agree the built-in iematch is a nice feature for those who need it.
How about the Meridian Explorer 2?
With a sensitive / not as demanding headphone I'm not surprised the difference is very hard to find or listen to.I have this nano in the office with Focal Elegia. No complaints. Today I brought it home and did some comparisons to JDS Atom + Topping D10. I used the Focals and Sennheiser HD600 + HD58X. I didn't do any extensive tests, but couldn't hear any differences with these. Since the Atom should be quite an amp and D10 also a better than an average DAC, I am happy to return this to the office use.
EDIT: I also tried to see if this works with iPhone XS + Apple's USB adaptor. Works great.
does nano black suitable for hd600? im planning to get nano bl as desktop dac/amp for driving hd600( my main cans) but in other hand im also want to use it for my CIEMs , what do you think should i get nano bl?Indeed. I tried to find differences with the HD600 which is less sensitive of these three, but couldn't find any. The build quality of this nano is very good and the included pouch is great. Only complaint is with the stock blue USB cable, which is VERY stiff and doesn't match the black color of the unit. I had to buy a short black cable...![]()