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Reconsidering changes to my setup


Active Member
Nov 20, 2020
After a flood wiped out my basement where my listening area is, I no longer am thinking or having to downsize based on a previous thread of mine. Now here I am, months later, with a refurnished basement and slightly more options.

I am still quite limited in positioning because I am not going to run wires everywhere. I just have no desire to do that. I want it as simple and as good sounding as possible. I have a pair of Revel M16s as my mains. I have a new Denon AVR with room correction that I'm looking to use, as well. Two main questions:

I'd like to add a subwoofer, but, as mentioned, I have only a few spots that I'm willing to put it and am keenly aware that these spots might not be the best for bass response. My current understanding (which may be very wrong) is that I should put the sub into a corner or near a wall to add bass into the room and then have the room correction on the AVR pull down the levels accordingly. Is that correct?

If not, would it be wiser to go for bigger mains that dig lower in frequency like floorstanders and then apply the room correction? I realize again that this might not be all that different than my first idea above, and that it might not be the best for bass.

Any other suggestions are welcome as I gather new ideas on improving my setup.
Probably bigger mains and a properly integrated sub, placing next to a wall or in a corner will increase headroom, but as you say if you can measure and then pull down any room gain…
I would just get a sub and go from there. I doubt you will ever regret having a nice sub if you have a space for it, even if not an ideal location. SVS is having a nice sale right now.
Thanks, I will definitely look into this more seriously. I have the space now so it does make sense to take advantage of it.
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