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Need a next level audio nerd to explain something

As I mentioned to Kemmier3D in my last post. There are reputable HiFi reviewers (even some who do their own graphs and measurements), that report an ESS glare. I get the point of the numbers or shall I say graphs don't lie. But here we are, people that understand the concepts of sound measurements reporting an audible glare from ESS cips. What am I to make of this?
I can tell you it is not audible with speakers. Amir and others can "test" a lot of things as for example in DACs they are testing them for extreme engineering purposes. Any DAC that is in the top tier of Amirs ratings is perfectly fine with no audible effects. The ESS hump makes for great articles on DACs but for the average person it doesn't mean a thing. Now if a DAC falls into the lowest tier of Amirs rankings then yes, you want to stay away from it!
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It's worth noting that the ESS IMD hump (even if audible) is not present on most current implementations. Designers solved this several years ago, principally by paralleling multiple devices.

Our brains play games with us. AKG market things as "velvet", guess what our brains assume... The name ESS sounds like "ssssssss", guess what our brains assume...
room correction is most effective in rooms that need correction
Unless your room is auditorium sized, or you really like lumpy bass, all rooms need correction. :)
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