I didn't have to learn it, I asked Audyssey about it and they gave me the answer. If you are going to insist on your claim, you need to prove it somehow, otherwise you can just say anything you want. Or may be you know more about how they did their filters than them? In that case I would have to wonder why, no sarcasm, am series. I never said anything about impulse response, and you assume I have to learn from you to know that is in the time domain? How good are you with Fournier, Lapace, Z transforms etc.? I do know you are a good programmer, and I appreciate your work. I also never said Audyssey does phase optimization that Dirac does.
I always thought someone seemingly very knowlegeable like you are, would be more open minded and am really sory to see you reacted this way. Telling others to "learn the basics before....", how assumptious! And again, it's not relevant anywhere as I did not make things up myself, I made it clear I was told by Audyssey. May be you can ask them too.
If your rude response is in reaction to the tone of my post, then be clear, I did not anticipate it would offend you. If so, let me apologize right now, and we can move on.