Just got the Moondrop Chu2-DSP. It appears to be a Chu2 with a variant of the CDSP upgrade cable combo. I assume it will replace Moondrop JIU.
Chu2-DSP requires an updated app (APK), available on Moondrop website, to work correctly. I downloaded the upgrade and, interestingly, the app gives a view of the Chu2 presets PEQs: "default", "no bass", and "basshead":
View attachment 346966
I noticed the 1st filter in the "default" setting: 25 Hz is theoretically not allowed by the app (40-10,000 range only)... but it doesn't protest when I apply it!
As for MAY, the updated app does not show these screens, so no luck seeing each of the MAY presets... This app is still a mess

I'll see if at least, it gets better at detecting & recognizing Moondrop connected devices (so far so good...).