Yes! Residual noise in uV at the speaker terminals (combined amplifier and DAC/processor noise) is a good way to compare noise levels. A lot of manufacturers don't report this value but it looks like Peavey does:
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Unfortunately, -87 dBu unweighted is 35 uV which is pretty noisy. If they didn't give you noise, you could also calculate from dynamic range. They report 107 dB DR and a maximum output level of +20 dBU (7.75 V), residual noise = 7.75 x 10^(-107/20) x 10^6 = 35 uV.
Another factor in system noise is amplifier gain. Even if an amplifier has relatively low noise itself, whatever noise is present at the amplifier input will be multiplied by gain. A low gain amplifier is a big advantage with high sensitivity systems. You can also achieve similar results with passive attenuation prior the amplifier, important to note that applying attenuation in your processor / DAC won't do anything to reduce the noise level.
Here is an example, a Hypex NC252MP has DR around 100 dB at 5 W in to 4 ohm and gain of 25.6 dB. Residual noise from the amplifier = sqrt(5 x4) x 10^(-100/20) x 10^6 = 45 uV. Amplified residual noise from the processor = 35 x 10^(25.6/20) = 660 uV.
Total system noise = sqrt(660^2 + 45^2) = 661 uV. You can clearly see the amplified processor noise is dominating this calculation.
Let's say your amplifier had only 12 dB gain like a Hypex NC252MP with the input buffer removed and the amplifier residual noise was the same 45 uV. Your amplified residual noise from the processor = 35 x 10^(12/20) = 138 uV and your system noise = sqrt(138^2 + 44^2) = 145 uV. This is OK performance but probably not good enough for a high sensitivity speaker.
Looking at the HTx, miniDSP reports dynamic range of 127 dB(A), unweighted dynamic range is usually 2-3 dB lower than A weighted. From
@sarieri's measurements, this looks to be about right with an unweighted dynamic range of 123-124 dB. At 4 V output, unweighted residual noise = 4 x 10^(-123/20) x 10^6 = 2.83 uV, clearly much better than the Peavey.
Amplified noise at 25.6 gain = 2.83 x 10^(25.6/20) = 54 uV, system noise = sqrt(54^2 + 45^2) = 70 uV.
Amplified noise at 12 dB gain = 2.83 x 10^(12/20) = 11 uV, system noise = sqrt(11^2 + 45^2) = 46 uV.
You definitely want to be under 100 uV system noise and ideally below 50 uV if you have high sensitivity speakers.
I also see someone recommended the SPL8 as volume control, you should be very wary of adding anything to your signal chain. The SPL8 has residual noise of 8-9 uV which means you can never achieve a truly low noise system with it.