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Integrated Amplifier Comparison: $90 vs $9000


Major Contributor
Forum Donor
Jan 15, 2020
I continue to hear differences between amplifiers that might be expected to be inaudibly different. That is, for two high-SINAD systems that I'm not running into clipping, I hear differences. I also believe in measurements. My perspective has been consistent: "Everything that can be measured may not be audible. Everything that is audible is measurable -- but you need to select the right measurement."

I think I'm a pretty open-minded audiophile. I've sold off higher-end, more prestigious speakers after discovering that a Bose 901 Series VI worked fortuitously well in my room. I've returned, with restocking fees and shipping expenses, new gear that I should have been biased to like from the novelty alone. Sometimes, I get to recover my losses by selling off an expensive product that is bested or matched by a lower priced product.

How does the $90 Fosi Audio V3 compare to the $9,000 Marantz PM-10 integrated amplifier?


I was lent a Fosi Audio V3 integrated amp with a 48V power supply with the request to run some measurements on it to make it was performing to spec. There wasn't any issue with it -- the owner knew that I have amplifier test gear and was curious. My 5W SINAD is 86.9 dB which is good enough to match @amirm 's measurements. I did my tests with an E1DA Cosmos ADC (Grade A) and Vishay-Dale 1% non-inductive resistors. I used my Marantz SA-10 as a signal generator, so the test instrumentation is nowhere as good as the APx555. I also didn't spend a lot of time with grounding. The measurements show that it's a good sample.

The Fosi Audio V3 on test

You can actually keep pushing this harder and harder and the SINAD keeps getting better.

The Marantz PM-10 has a SINAD that breaks the 100 dB barrier. This was done with a 20-22.05 kHz range instead of 20-20kHz, so it's probably in the 101 dB range.

Setting up my Subjective Tests
My reference integrated amplifier is the Marantz PM-10 which is built around a bridged HypeX NC500OEMs/SMPS600 design (so 4 NC500's + 2 SMPS600) along with Marantz's own pre-amp and buffer. My go-to passive bookshelf is the JBL XPL90 which has the benefit of being tested on the NFS here.

First step was volume matching. This was done with a MinDSP UMIK-2 placed at the main listening position.

Calibrating Volume
I used REW to calibrate levels. Per my conversations with @JohnPM , REW will send out pink noise from 500 Hz to 2000 Hz (a "speaker calibration") signal based upon my standardized sweep. The Marantz SA-10 outputs a fixed voltage and the Marantz PM-10 has 0.5 dB volume precision while the Fosi V3 has an analog logarithmic potentiometer.

With a -10 dBFS test signal in REW, I adjusted the volume reported by "Check Levels" to show 80 dB at the listening position with the speaker calibration pink noise. I then ran two sweeps above and below that level: +0 dBFS and -20 dBFS.


Volume matching is better than the 0.5 dB you can achieve with the Marantz's volume control. I have pretty good dexterity, and I am at the limit of what can be done by adjusting the Fosi V3 knob. You can see that the Fosi in green/red is slightly louder in the treble relative to the Marantz. This is just 1 dB of difference or less.

Once I had this level of volume matching, I did my listening tests by unplugging the Fosi V3 so that I wouldn't have to touch the volume dial.

Subjective Impressions
I started with the Fosi V3 and listened to Hotel California. My first impression was "wow. I didn't remember my XPL 90 having this kind of bass." When the vocals came in, I was disappointed and it sounded recessed or less natural. My initial thought was that I was just noticing the limitation of the speaker. I swapped to the Marantz PM-10. As soon as the track started, I felt as if the guitars were more natural. But the bass didn't impress. It wasn't anemic - it just didn't surprise and delight. When the voices came in, it sounded wonderful -- the sort of giddiness or smile that you probably got when you heard this track on your first premium system. The soundstage and vocals were noticeably better on the PM-10, but no one could reasonably say that it was 100X better. For me, it was the difference between "a wow and a smile" and "I can't complain".

After my subjective impressions, I decided to try something new. I moved my UMIK-2 back to the listening position and recorded the first 3 minutes of Hotel California on each system. A 48 kHz sampling rate was used. I then brought the recordings into @pkane 's DeltaWave for analysis.

DeltaWave v2.0.8, 2023-07-30T21:12:49.7348193-07:00
Reference: PM-10_HC.flac[?] 8704000 samples 48000Hz 24bits, stereo, MD5=00
Comparison: FOSI_V3.flac[?] 8729280 samples 48000Hz 24bits, stereo, MD5=00
Gain:True, Remove DC:True
Non-linear Gain EQ:False Non-linear Phase EQ: False
EQ FFT Size:65536, EQ Frequency Cut: 0Hz - 0Hz, EQ Threshold: -500dB
Correct Non-linearity: False
Correct Drift:True, Precision:30, Subsample Align:True
Non-Linear drift Correction:False
Upsample:False, Window:Kaiser
Spectrum Window:Kaiser, Spectrum Size:32768
Spectrogram Window:Hann, Spectrogram Size:4096, Spectrogram Steps:2048
Filter Type:FIR, window:Kaiser, taps:262144, minimum phase=False
Dither:False bits=0
Trim Silence:False
Enable Simple Waveform Measurement: False

Discarding Reference: Start=0.5s, End=0s
Discarding Comparison: Start=0.5s, End=0s

Initial peak values Reference: -10.514dB Comparison: -10.419dB
Initial RMS values Reference: -29.814dB Comparison: -29.761dB

Null Depth=11.544dB
X-Correlation offset: -8818 samples
Drift computation quality, #1: Good (5.78μs)

Trimmed 0 samples ( 0.00ms) front, 0 samples ( 0.00ms end)

Final peak values Reference: -10.514dB Comparison: -10.487dB
Final RMS values Reference: -29.814dB Comparison: -29.821dB

Gain= 0.0656dB (1.0076x) DC=0.00001 Phase offset=-183.706567ms (-8817.915 samples)
Difference (rms) = -58.08dB [-60.46dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=49.58dB [43.33dBA]
Clock drift: -0.27 ppm

Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=0.63%) at 16 bits
Files are NOT a bit-perfect match (match=0%) at 24 bits
Files match @ 49.9994% when reduced to 9.35 bits

---- Phase difference (full bandwidth): 12.3807379864222°
0-10kHz: 12.16°
0-20kHz: 12.35°
0-24kHz: 12.38°
Timing error (rms jitter): 15.3μs
PK Metric (step=400ms, overlap=50%):

99%: -55.25
75%: -57.85
50%: -59.6
25%: -62.34
1%: -73.91

gn=0.992477307560239, dc=9.05811550542576E-06, dr=-2.72459687718413E-07, of=-8817.9151922137


Signature: 6ff930734cc68b8179e8896c8c5fb6df

RMS of the difference of spectra: -106.566381971716dB
DF Metric (step=400ms, overlap=0%):
Max=-6.6dB Min=-41dB

1% > -39.75dB
10% > -37.08dB
25% > -33.65dB
50% > -28.79dB
75% > -25.01dB
90% > -21.44dB
99% > -12.66dB

Linearity 22.8bits @ 0.5dB error

DeltaWave shows that my volume matching was as good as it gets. 0.05 dB difference in RMS. Deltawave corrects this to 0.007 dB.
Initial RMS values Reference: -29.814dB Comparison: -29.761dB

If we look at the aligned spectra, which is the comparison *after* DeltaWave has done its level/phase adjustments, the white (FOSI V3) does have more content below 30 Hz than the blue (Marantz PM-10).


The JBL XPL90 is a bookshelf speaker, so it cannot reproduce anything this low with meaningful SPLs. It's -30 dB at 20 Hz. That said, -30 dB still means ~55 dB when listening with 2.83V of power, and 50 dB is normal conversation. So maybe it's not so crazy to look at bass output this low. In the case of Hotel California, the drums enter at 30 seconds into the song and they are played largely in isolation -- so it would not be masked by other sounds in the music.

The difference between the two amps is a small 2 dB, but that's within the threshold of what is accepted as an audible difference.

What's interesting is that at high SPLs, the REW sweep showed no indication of this in frequency response. At lower SPL, the ripple around 20 Hz was something that I subconciously blew off as an artifact on the REW sweep. I didn't see it until writing up this post. The real-world bass content is more likely to be lower than 0 dBFS.

I believe this harmonizes the objectivist/subjectivist perspective.
If you only saw the 0 dBFS sweep, you would see that the two frequency responses are identical in the bass region. A subjectivist would distrust measurements because he/she would hear something different in the bass and not see a difference. An objectivist would dismiss the subjectivist claim of differences in bass as mere sighted bias or poorly controlled studies. However, by running the sweep at a different level, there may in fact be a difference. The objectivist is justified in saying that only frequency response changes can be audible and the subjectivist is justified in seeing that there is a measurement that correlates with what was heard, but required an atypical measurement.

What I also have learned, and hopefully not incorrectly, is to pay more attention to the lower frequencies and slope of the bass roll-off rather than just look for the -3 or -6 dB threshold. For years, there is always a claim of sealed vs. ported sound characteristics yet the measurements of "speed" are hard to explain since speed is dictated by the frequency of the audio. Purely speculating, maybe the difference in bass roll off slope is just as important as the single -6 dB point. I'd be curious to see a LS3/5a on the Klippel NFS to see how the bass measures. Part of the reason I ignored the oscillation on the REW sweep with the Fosi V3 is that I thought it was inconsequential on a bookshelf that didn't extend that deep.

So what about the difference in voices?
If we scrutinize the vocal region, there are differences in the recorded, un-corrected comparisons. Again, RMS volume mismatch is 0.05 dB different, but the biggest delta in this region is as high as 2 dB which could be audible.


Looking at the difference in spectra, you can see that the spectra is pretty consistent from 30 to 300 Hz, again suggesting that my measurements are reasonably done, but you do see a bigger difference as you move up the frequency range which is even bigger than what is seen in the bass region.

The XPL90 I used has this impedance/phase. I suppose the blip near 100 Hz in the delta of the spectra is an area that is a peak in both the phase and impedance, but I'm not seeing a pattern here and I don't know to how to calculate EPDR off a chart like this. Maybe this is harder to drive?


DF Metric and PK Metric are weighted metrics for performing the null test.


The PK Metric is looking at things throughout the entire spectrum, weighted perceptually, for a given point in time. The right image shows what results contributed the most to the calculation of the PK Metric and the two spikes are certainly within the region of the harmonics of the human voice.

The PK Metric of - 59.4 dBr isn't that high, but it may be due to PK Metric looking at things too broadly and being too strict. After all, we can accept that a drum solo with 2 dB of difference should be audible but the PK Metric doesn't really recognize this. I believe it's a moving average and if the drum solo is averaged with the guitar/voice, the PK Metric may assume that the bass is masked due to it being so much lower in dB than the "average" content in that sample bucket. We probably need some sort of ANOVA like calculation where any difference can result in detectable differences, and additional post-tests are needed to answer why.

There are two points to this post.

1. Two amplifiers with "good electrical performance" sounded different to my ears. While we know the Fosi V3 is load dependent, it translated into more of an issue that might be predicted. I was able to measure differences using a UMIK-2 that seem to correlate with my subjective experience. A "standard" sweep of 0 dBFS through a calibrated microphone would only have shown the high frequency differences of just 1 dB, which was not the biggest difference in my subjective impression. We talk about the advances in ADCs like the E1DA Cosmos ADC for measuring electrical performance, and I do believe that the UMIK-2 is a great tool for measuring speakers (at a fixed location).

2. I've compared a $90 and $9,000 MSRP product and presumably, you've read to this point. It says a lot about both products and the state of hi-fi. First, the $90 Fosi V3 shows the power of innovation and is a real showcase for Texas Instrument's Class D chip. It's sort of an incredible feat of engineering representing what is essentially a globally developed product. TI wouldn't be able to release a $90 integrated amplifier without a company like Fosi buying their chips and building the rest of the consumer product, nor would Fosi have been able to do this without the innovation of TI. When people work together, better things happen. My only comment on the Fosi is that the 32V power supply has UL listing while the 48V doesn't. While audio isn't the same as deep sea submersibles, I generally prefer to have certified products when the option is available or a product with a long pre-existing track record.

The $9,000 product is a clear demonstration of diminishing performance returns as you spend more money. On the other hand, much in the way one might spend a luxury vacation, there is an experience component to the audiophile hobby. The PM-10 would have delivered reliable Class D performance 7 years ago. Even if something like the Marantz Model 30 or even the 40n gives you the same audible experience within the power envelope, the luxury product delivered it earlier. Think ABS, driver assistance, and GPS -- luxury cars got it first.

As for the audible benefits of the luxury product? I certainly hear and prefer the difference, recognizing that I would never suggest that it is a "100X improvement". It was immediately noticed by me, but even 2 dB is subtle by any standard. I will leave it up to you to decide if the data presented is convincing enough that a difference between sound could in fact exist and that the difference could in fact reach audible thresholds. Neither amplifier hits the 120 dB SINAD threshold for absolute electrical transparency and the 5W electrical SINAD is ~87 vs ~101 dB.
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Do you have a value for the Noise Figure for both devices? It's more useful and relevant than SINAD or equivalents when making comparisons
You really need to do a blind test. I've lost count of the number of times I heard "significant differences" when I was doing direct comparisons and was proven wrong when someone did the change without me knowing about it. In most of the tests, some of which I prepared myself for, I went from having a near 100% certainty to being uncomfortable and then shocked by the numerical result.
Do you have a value for the Noise Figure for both devices? It's more useful and relevant than SINAD or equivalents when making comparisons
You can see it in the 5W sinad. -111.7 vs -115.3 dB. The Fosi V3 is measured here. The PM-10 is bridged hypex NC500’s which puts it into very good territory too.

You really need to do a blind test.

I have done countless blind tests and posted them here. The participation is pretty poor when I do that. :)

The key is using DeltaWave since it is math. In a blind test, I am still dealing with the 0.05 dB discrepancy RMS.

A blind test proves that I can hear a difference. But you have no idea what I heard and if I made an error during setup.

DeltaWave uses math. It calculates the difference and we can decide if that difference should be audible or not based upon strict numbers.

I don’t know if everyone can hear a 2 dB difference ALL the time, but scientific literature clearly puts the minimal detectable difference less than that which means that it is audible some of the time. In contrast a difference of 0.05 dB is inaudible all the time.

The key is that the when volume matched to 0.05dB RMS, there differences in frequency response that exceed 2 dB in specific areas that correlate with what I heard.

The question is if DeltaWave is detected differences that are only due to setup issues or if they are real. If I only had a difference at 60Hz or a difference was broadband, I would say that it’s a test issue. Since the difference is prominent in the bass, and we see two spikes in the PK Metric, which are highest in areas of the audible harmonics of the human voice, it leans toward it being real.

Any thoughts on the interpretation of the null testing? Specifically
1) Does the spectral consistency in the 30 to 300 Hz range suggest that the test validity is good enough for reduce the risks of false positives?

2) How does PK Metric account for temporal masking? (How big is the moving average).

55 dB in the bass would be masked if you were listening to 85 dB pink noise, but if the 55 dB bass was played in isolation (like Hotel California), the real time dBr would be different.
Do you have a value for the Noise Figure for both devices? It's more useful and relevant than SINAD or equivalents when making comparisons
You can see it in the 5W sinad. -111.7 vs -115.3 dB. The Fosi V3 is measured here. The PM-10 is bridged hypex NC500’s which puts it into very good territory too.
Sorry, I meant Noise Figure as in Log of Noise Factor But actually I feel that all amplifier measurements would benefit from having a single number such as "residual noise output voltage" or even "noise output voltage" as in the IEC 60268-3 standard. This is discussed in the thread (Suggestion on) Testing power amplifiers according to IEC 60268-3 standard

The benefit of these approaches is not get to caught up in agreeing at which power noise is measured. A 500W amplifier with 40dB of gain may not give its best SNR figures at 50mW. An intrinsically quiet amplifier will be more obvious. I rate intrinsic low noise as considerably more important than distortion, given the latter can be quite hard to hear.
I don't think 2 dB is subtle. Easy: just create a PEQ peak with 2 dB and turn it on and off. It is definitely noticeable.

Congrats on the test, I always wanted to do something like that.
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2dB in the bass could explain everything you heard - definitely a worthwhile test.

That said, I'm iffy on the differences in spectra you measured higher than that. In-room, as you go higher in frequency, you're going to get some randomness as well as background noise, so it's hard to guess if those are differences in the amp or random differences in the recordings. Comparing in-room recordings this way is really hard - I think you got a great result, but I think there are limits to this kind of thing.
I wish you had performed sweep measurements from the speaker terminals into E1DA Cosmos ADC and wonder if that would made differences more readily apparent? But even so, your (very nicely matched!) acoustic measurements do show some deviation in the 5 kHz - 13 kHz range, which I'd regard as a pretty sensitive region.

Also, any thoughts as to whether subjective differences might be nullified with a light touch of PEQ?
Next step: Fosi V3 with other op-amp

The PK Metric of - 59.4 dBr isn't that high, but it may be due to PK Metric looking at things too broadly and being too strict. After all, we can accept that a drum solo with 2 dB of difference should be audible but the PK Metric doesn't really recognize this. I believe it's a moving average and if the drum solo is averaged with the guitar/voice, the PK Metric may assume that the bass is masked due to it being so much lower in dB than the "average" content in that sample bucket. We probably need some sort of ANOVA like calculation where any difference can result in detectable differences, and additional post-tests are needed to answer why.

PK Metric applies audibility curves to adjust for ear sensitivity by frequency. A dB or two below 20Hz shouldn't make an audible difference.

The right image shows what results contributed the most to the calculation of the PK Metric and the two spikes are certainly within the region of the harmonics of the human voice

The right image shows an instance in time -- around 2.5sec and not an overall view of the spectrum differences, so it's hard to generalize from that.

Any thoughts on the interpretation of the null testing? Specifically
1) Does the spectral consistency in the 30 to 300 Hz range suggest that the test validity is good enough for reduce the risks of false positives?

It looks correct to me. The difference in spectrum above 300Hz could be due to filter or to time/clock differences. Hard to tell from a spectrum plot without also looking at some of the other measurements in DeltaWave.

2) How does PK Metric account for temporal masking? (How big is the moving average).
A 400ms window is used with 200ms steps. Effectively, a 200ms temporal masking.
An intrinsically quiet amplifier will be more obvious. I rate intrinsic low noise as considerably more important than distortion, given the latter can be quite hard to hear.
I should be able to get this with a simple multimeter at the outputs. Let me do this later this week.

It looks correct to me. The difference in spectrum above 300Hz could be due to filter or to time/clock differences. Hard to tell from a spectrum plot without also looking at some of the other measurements in DeltaWave.
What other measurements would be helpful?
Do you have another amp a little further up the price curve you can test? Like a crown XLS or a basic emotiva/parasound/ati

Great data
Very interesting test.

Did you compare several tests of the same amplifier? In theory, there should be no difference - but theory and practice often differ - or as a physicist you know: who measures a lot measures crap.

Iaw: I don't think, that two measurements of the same amplifier do result in exactly zero difference. There are always some measurement errors. I'm missing the error estimation.
Just to make sure you don't evaluate measurement errors here.
I have done countless blind tests and posted them here. The participation is pretty poor when I do that. :)

The key is using DeltaWave since it is math. In a blind test, I am still dealing with the 0.05 dB discrepancy RMS.

A blind test proves that I can hear a difference. But you have no idea what I heard and if I made an error during setup.

I know what DeltaWave is and even know a bit of the math it relies on - no issue here. ;)

I still see a blind test as essential.

In the "One hears a difference, one measures, one finds measurement differences" approach there is the potential issue that one actually did not actually hear a real difference in the first place and that the measurements are over-interpreted, the differences inaudible, etc. It would be nice to have the premise ("One hears a difference") rock solid.

In the "One finds measurement differences, one tests if they are audible, one concludes they are." a blind test to confirm what is, in this case, the primary outcome is obviously necessary.

Note: this is not meant as an attack on your excellent work. I did investigate a similar issue in the past which was "Why do I feel there is a difference between two amps when driving my scala utopia when there shouldn't be one on paper?". My tests did involve measurements and were less extensive than yours and DeltaWave did not exist at that point or was just in beta (not sure). But I did make sure the difference was real (I blind-tested it) before doing all the shuffling and measurements (because I am lazy).

The interesting additional data in my case is that I did not feel (and failed a blind test) that there was a difference between those two amps when driving another pair of speakers.

In the end, I concluded that one of the amplifiers had some issues with the more difficult load presented by the Utopias. That's not a conclusion I would fight for though. It just had the practical consequence that I changed my amps/speakers pairing.
Clock drift, gain error, RMS null in dB and dBA



Interestingly that spike at 1:23 region is when the audience is shouting/clapping of the guitars starts playing for the first time and 2:10 is exactly when the lyrics start to come in on my recording of the music. Not sure if that matters, but they are definite correlates to changes in the music. Meanwhile, the first minute of Hotel California is a lot of the same instrumentals

I forgot to mention, this is the Hell Freezes Over XRCD mastering that was digitized, not the original.

Is there an RMS null graph? I pasted the logs in the original post

Difference (rms) = -58.08dB [-60.46dBA]
Correlated Null Depth=49.58dB [43.33dBA]







I know what DeltaWave is and even know a bit of the math it relies on - no issue here. ;)

I still see a blind test as essential.

I cannot do a blind test with the actual speakers, which would be ideal. I can do a blind test with headphones and the recordings.

The tricky part is that the ABX test was done with original files which do have the 0.05 dB mismatch RMS. They're similar, which again is a testament to the value of the $90 amp. I focused on the drum hits. There may be slight timing errors though I did my best to match, but it's not going to be as good as Deltawave and it's subject to more systematic error on my end.

foo_abx 2.1 report
foobar2000 v1.6.16
2023-08-02 12:56:09

File A: FOSI_V3.flac
SHA1: ddc7d14c32934f33371f2c3a7a2a2a0e8526e9b5
File B: PM-10_HC.flac
SHA1: fcc30fc8aafff82b1823fc4da7d6ed19a290c273

Default : Primary Sound Driver
Crossfading: NO

12:56:09 : Test started.
13:00:44 : 01/01
13:01:11 : 02/02
13:01:22 : 03/03
13:01:52 : 04/04
13:02:04 : 05/05
13:02:11 : 06/06
13:02:16 : 07/07
13:02:20 : 08/08
13:02:24 : 09/09
13:02:32 : 10/10
13:02:42 : 11/11
13:02:49 : 11/12
13:02:56 : 12/13
13:03:13 : 13/14
13:03:21 : 14/15
13:03:25 : 15/16
13:03:25 : Test finished.

Total: 15/16
p-value: 0.0003 (0.03%)

-- signature --

In the end, I concluded that one of the amplifiers had some issues with the more difficult load presented by the Utopias. That's not a conclusion I would fight for though. It just had the practical consequence that I changed my amps/speakers pairing.

Sort of. "More difficult load" is measurable but we don't test amplifiers with difficult complex loads since it would be hard to apply them to consumers broadly. If one of your amplifier has issues with your specific speaker combo, then the amplifier that handles the more complex load might be the worth investing in and better sounding one, no? It's outside "within the design limits" part of the approach.
Sort of. "More difficult load" is measurable but we don't test amplifiers with difficult complex loads since it would be hard to apply them to consumers broadly. If one of your amplifier has issues with your specific speaker combo, then the amplifier that handles the more complex load might be the worth investing in and better sounding one, no? It's outside "within the design limits" part of the approach.
As far as amateur blind tests are concerned, that's very convincing indeed. Thanks!

Yes, the amplifier that was load agnostic is the Hypex NC400 DIY kit. It is now on permanent duty with the utopias. The other amplifier drives the other pair and I am a happy camper.
As far as amateur blind tests are concerned, that's very convincing indeed. Thanks!

Yes, the amplifier that was load agnostic is the Hypex NC400 DIY kit. It is now on permanent duty with the utopias. The other amplifier drives the other pair and I am a happy camper.

The Hypex NC400DIY is great. It says a lot when the Marantz opts to use the same SMPS600 as the NC400 DIY with *bridged* NC500OEM's which can do a lot more output. Still, Marantz is smart -- the NC500OEM is rated only at 100W continuous and they use a bridge pair to give you 200W.
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