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How Many Inches?

Which in turn reminds me of the Myth Busters large sub episode....
For sure, I remember that too now, it was quite the excursion... good call. :D


A few years back, The Cult of the Infinitely Baffled got me interested in the idea of lower distortion bass, using multiple 18" cones at moderate power. I use four in a 24' x 17' x 11' room. Others can express this better, but my understanding of the theory of an infinitely baffled subwoofer goes that back pressure on the cone from a typical vented or vent-less sub - which must use considerable power to hit, say, 20Hz - will create unappealing distortion at high SPL from a small cone. So, by making a very large adjoining room be the unvented box (like an attic or a basement), you remove the backpressure totally, and by using large cones you reduce the power required to move the kind of air needed to reach very low levels. Flat unto 10Hz with moderate roll-off becomes possible, using a 500W amp; more power than that requires much caution to avoid cone damage. I'm no Marty McFly, but like many of us I like a subwoofer to 'loaf' with 2ch audio just in case, and then wow with a film. Only lots of potential power and cone area can do that, so to answer the OP's question: err on the side of big cone, big power. The final advantage is that there is no subwoofer footprint at all, because the box is your crawl-space.
Back in the very old days, I was convinced that 10 inches is minimum. (I even built a pair of speakers then, using Isophon drivers – two ridiculous heavy and blunt ugly boxes ... :facepalm:)

Today, for normal living room dimensions, with up-to-date products and a well tuned room eq, 6 inches woofers seem to be sufficient to me.
Today, for normal living room dimensions, with up-to-date products and a well tuned room eq, 6 inches woofers seem to be sufficient to me.
True, depending on room size and acoustics and listening distance a good modern 6 inch driver like Purify etc can be sufficient if not very highSPL or deep bass is desired.

For a bit more fun (higher SPL and deeper bass) I personally use now setups with at least 4x8" or 2x10" (sub)woofers.
8" woofer in two sealed 3-way boxes, and one 10" sub in a vented box. 50 sqm room, listening distance 3.7 m. More than loud enough.
How loud do you listen to your music to, and/or do you have any neighbors?

Anywhere from 70db to 80db but occasionally to 100db depending on mood (underworld sounds best at 100db) measured using NIOSH iPhone app, nearest neighbour is 100ft or so away (I live in very rural countryside Scotland). I know when it’s prob loud enough as I see my double glazed window vibrating and moving.
with my salon 2’s I have 4 15” subs. I have a 24‘ x 18’ room with cathedral ceiling. I like my bass.
The only constant in my 13'x14' room is dual 15" subs,I've owned various speakers with the latest having dual 6" woofers but I'm selling them,not sure what my next speakers will be yet.
My speakers
  • Tri-Art Open Baffle 4 speakers have 15" woofers and an 8" full range, however I supplement the bass (less because it's an open baffle design) with a SVS 1000 Pro (12" I think).
  • Totem Tribes have two Torrent 4" mid-range/woofers that go down to 30Hz
  • Warfedale Lintons have 10" woofer
  • Proac Tablette III - 4.5" woofer
  • Unity Audio Inner Soul 4" full-range driver (I don't feel the need to use a sub)
  • Frugal Horns - 4" Alpair 7 (I don't feel the need to use a sub)
Current speakers, only 5". Flat down to 60Hz in sealed bookshelf D.I.Y's, plenty loud enough and decent bass thanks to being sealed having a shallower roll off.
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