I have recently acquired a UMIK-1 and started learning how to use REW for measurement and correction. First I did the swipe based measurement in a single position, using the excellent guide at
and the measurement curve made a lot of sense, in terms of levels and slopes.
Then I learned about MMM method and RTA and measured the same speakers in the same position, with the following result for L and R channel:
The questions I need help with:
- Why is the level so low? I calibrated the pink noice to 80dbA using REW before the measurements were taken, but I get an average of 43dbA SPL...
- Why is the slope in high frequencies so large, basically -25dbA at 20KHz compared to 1KHz? Subjectively the sound is good and open, and I know about in-room response, and house curves, yet the slope is very extreme in the measurement. Furthermore, using the swipe measurement the speaker measures almost flat 1-20KHz (+- 3db);
- Why do I see SPL output at 20Hz that dwarves my SPL output at 20KHz. These are floorstanders (VAF DC7s) but I know they have little in them under 35Hz. Again, in the swipe measurement I see what I expect, a 24db/octave loss of SPL after 40ish Hz.
Other than this, I am pleased with the EQ result, it sounds much better than without EQ, but the bass is a bit on the low side -- I suspect I need to redo my house curve for this style of measurement (same house curve was perfect for the swipe based measurement):
But herein is another question: Why no EQ above about 1-2 KHz (the rest of the difference is due to the blue line being L+R speaker measurement).
Thanks for your responses!
I have recently acquired a UMIK-1 and started learning how to use REW for measurement and correction. First I did the swipe based measurement in a single position, using the excellent guide at
Then I learned about MMM method and RTA and measured the same speakers in the same position, with the following result for L and R channel:
The questions I need help with:
- Why is the level so low? I calibrated the pink noice to 80dbA using REW before the measurements were taken, but I get an average of 43dbA SPL...
- Why is the slope in high frequencies so large, basically -25dbA at 20KHz compared to 1KHz? Subjectively the sound is good and open, and I know about in-room response, and house curves, yet the slope is very extreme in the measurement. Furthermore, using the swipe measurement the speaker measures almost flat 1-20KHz (+- 3db);
- Why do I see SPL output at 20Hz that dwarves my SPL output at 20KHz. These are floorstanders (VAF DC7s) but I know they have little in them under 35Hz. Again, in the swipe measurement I see what I expect, a 24db/octave loss of SPL after 40ish Hz.
Other than this, I am pleased with the EQ result, it sounds much better than without EQ, but the bass is a bit on the low side -- I suspect I need to redo my house curve for this style of measurement (same house curve was perfect for the swipe based measurement):
But herein is another question: Why no EQ above about 1-2 KHz (the rest of the difference is due to the blue line being L+R speaker measurement).
Thanks for your responses!