Below is the Stereophile measurement of the impedance of the Magnepan MG2.5R. It's impedance is 6 ohms or higher from 20 Hz to 2 kHz, which is where most of the power demand lies.
Sidebar 3: Measurements
Here is the max output the TPA3255 chip vs PS supply voltage in PBTL mode that the V3 Mono uses. At 48 Vdc supply, at 4 ohms the max output is ~250 W. Translating to 6 ohms, it is 250 * 4/6 = ~170 W.
The 48 Vdc 5 A power supply is rated to provide 240 W of power, and should be more than enough to power the V3 Mono to full output driving the MG2.5R. A higher current PS is only beneficial for driving loads that go substantially below 4 ohms at frequencies where there are high demands for power.
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