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Fosi Audio V3 Amplifier Review

Rate this amplifier:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 11 2.4%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 40 8.7%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 222 48.1%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 189 40.9%

  • Total voters
Probably in the long run, more reliable with better cable. Don’t push the manufacturer of affordable/reasonable products to increase the price.

I think one of the things that has impressed me, well so many of us, most abut Fosi besides the incredible quality of their products, is their responsiveness to and interaction with the market. I agree with you wholeheartedly about keeping the standard cable as the basic package. The modular nature of all of this stuff allows us to add and subtract almost without limit, but the rice control that Fosi has maintained as been such a huge benefit, I would love for that to continue to be the policy.
I had an unused audioquest NRG-Z2 power cord (C7 connection) sitting around gathering dust and decided to do a test using the standard cord and then the AQ cord and back and forth half a dozen times in quick succession.

Try with a method that might give you more useful information.

Try with a method that might give you more useful information.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I am quite happy with the sound and for me that is key. No need for any test beyond my ears as they are the ultimate consumer. :)
Thanks for the suggestion, but I am quite happy with the sound and for me that is key. No need for any test beyond my ears as they are the ultimate consumer. :)

Well, your test involves your eyes, so you really aren't relying on your ears.

I'm not surprised, as most don't *really* want to know. It's much easier to just go with the flow of the propaganda machine.

For others, stop worrying.
Well, your test involves your eyes, so you really aren't relying on your ears.

I'm not surprised, as most don't *really* want to know. It's much easier to just go with the flow of the propaganda machine.

For others, stop worrying.
Actually no, I used my ears with my eyes closed. I now the piece of music very well having listened to it repeatedly for 40+ years. I wanted to know what my ears heard. I feel I made the best choice based on listening to both cables back and forth a number of times. Not sure my neighbors enjoyed it as much as I did. :) Would it be asking to much to just let it go at that?
Someday, some brilliant engineer will explain how a boutique power cord can possibly make an actual difference. He'll show us actual measurements, and if necessary expand the bounds of our knowledge. But until then, I'll remain pretty darn skeptical :D
Actually no, I used my ears with my eyes closed. I now the piece of music very well having listened to it repeatedly for 40+ years. I wanted to know what my ears heard. I feel I made the best choice based on listening to both cables back and forth a number of times. Not sure my neighbors enjoyed it as much as I did. :) Would it be asking to much to just let it go at that?

So you switched cables then closed your eyes?

I'm not sure that qualifies as a meaningful control. You knew what was playing.

Are you interested at all in whether this would hold up with actual controls? Most aren't, but that doesn't stop them from drawing erroneous conclusions, then telling others how much better things are, thus perpetuating the silliness.

Try it, you may realize what many of us have after putting ourselves to the test.
After a few hours, reading until page 15, I found:
  1. 48V/10A can be used. This is cheaper than 48V/5A
  2. pre-out play independently. Easily add more amp to the system.
What else? Can anyone add more?
telling others how much better things are, thus perpetuating the silliness.
That right there is the crux of the matter. Then people go blow tremendous sums supporting cable fraudsters.
.... but that doesn't stop them from drawing erroneous conclusions, then telling others how much better things are, thus perpetuating the silliness.

Pasting my exact statement to clarify that the insinuation quoted is fallacious.

"It would seem there is an advantage to upgrading the power cable on the adapter"
Pasting my exact statement to clarify that the insinuation quoted is fallacious.

"It would seem there is an advantage to upgrading the power cable on the adapter"
Not sure what you're going with that, but you are perpetuating silliness.
Hey, @Fosi Audio, is the price currently showing for the V3 on its webpage an error? Price seems to show up differently now in different places on your website. Are you really charging an extra $100 for the 32v adapter over the amp alone? And over $200 for the amp + 48v adapter?

Edit: See below - clarified - apparently this higher website price is for a V3 + P3 plus the necessary power bricks...?
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On my v3 it turns off just before the volume dial clicks. Is this normal?

Also, when turning up the volume from the lowest point I hear nothing between 7 and 8 o'clock. And then as I turn some more, the volume jumps to audible. Then I can turn back down to lower the volume. Is this normal?
On my v3 it turns off just before the volume dial clicks. Is this normal?

Also, when turning up the volume from the lowest point I hear nothing between 7 and 8 o'clock. And then as I turn some more, the volume jumps to audible. Then I can turn back down to lower the volume. Is this normal?
Has anyone experienced anything like this?

I picked up a second Fosi V3 for my office and decided to give it a go before taking it in (and while awaiting the Polk ES20 speakers I picked up as well in BF sale). Using a 1/8" => 2 RCA male and LG-V7 as source, I just connected it to a pair of big Mirage speakers. Knowing they are not so efficient I was curious as to how this little amp would drive it. In a moment as I increased the volume, the right speaker dropped out. As I had just brought a set of speaker wires as well, I checked the banana plugs, etc, everything was good. I had disconnected the power from the amp and so I reconnected and started again. This time the LEFT channel dropped out as I took the volume up. Hmmm, something bad with the amp?

So I grabbed my OTHER V3 which is in the garage with an old pair of ... crap, I hate getting old ... anyway, bookshelf speakers & swapped it in. SAME THING HAPPENED! Well, the V7 w/ its Quad-DAC setup might be overdriving the input side, so I grabbed my laptop (which has the identical .flac files), and ONCE AGAIN, at a moderate volume level one channel would drop out! I had the amp turned up fully and the laptop only at 65%, so I thought "lower the volume knob on the amp" => SAME THING!

What in the world could this be? It really isn't all that loud, in fact as one channel continues, I will play MUCH louder (cleanly) with no issue. This is with a 48v power supply, so let me get the 32v packaged with the amp I just bought.

...and I'm back! I doubt you will be surprised to hear the that the same thing happened! I quickly swapped the power supply, and it played for a moment & dropped a channel. Even more strange is that listening at the tweeter, the speaker that is no longer playing still has some tweeter output.


I'm going to look for an old DVD player & RCA cables, throw a CD in, and see what happens.
As I also have an A07 in the bedroom, I grabbed it & swapped it in. Now the SAME THING IS HAPPENING! Two different sources, but it IS with the same headphone-RCA adapter. Could this be doing something? I do have another cable coming w/ the Polks, but that has another day or two before arriving. This is making me crazy! Obviously something is happening at higher levels that this little IC-amp does not like. I know it isn't power related, as the old receiver I have on the Mirages isn't that stout. I cannot make ANY sense out of this.

Let me find some old RCA cables & an old disc player. I will report back!
Instead I grabbed a pair of Mirage OMD-5 bookshelves (I got a bit carried away when they were blowing out Mirage on Woot.com 8-1/2 years ago) and have them cranked up LOUD. Both channels playing fine, but of course the bottom end is lacking (and the inability to integrate a sub with these amps is an issue). So apparently there is an issue w/ driving the big OMD-28 speakers w/ 2 x 8" woofers. Sound & Vision measured a low of 4.25 ohms @ 93hz, so WHY is this amp having so much trouble?

Edit: PLEASE forgive my multiple posts. I have never experienced anything like this, and in the moment I did not even remember to simply 'edit' and add further observations. The dropping of one channel (random) resolved with cycling the power is just quite unusual. While I recognize these Mirages are not efficient & tend to need a good bit of power, I expected clipping rather than channel loss. Further, that it will play MUCH louder on the remaining channel with no problem added to my confusion (as did an excellent IPA!). I would like to understand what is happening within the chip, given that another TP3255 amp shows the same behavior.
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As I also have an A07 in the bedroom, I grabbed it & swapped it in. Now the SAME THING IS HAPPENING! Two different sources, but it IS with the same headphone-RCA adapter. Could this be doing something? I do have another cable coming w/ the Polks, but that has another day or two before arriving. This is making me crazy! Obviously something is happening at higher levels that this little IC-amp does not like. I know it isn't power related, as the old receiver I have on the Mirages isn't that stout. I cannot make ANY sense out of this.

Let me find some old RCA cables & an old disc player. I will report back!
Get rid of the rca adapter if that’s the constant

Have you tried a little 3.5mm aux input to test?
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