Well, I have had the opportunity now to compare them side-by-side with the FD5 today and they are immediately several leagues above the FD5. The treble is indeed less peaky than the FD5 yet extended well above 10 KHz with ease without the least bit of grain. It's definitely an endgame IEM in my book. Listening to my Lord of the Rings UHD direct rip blew my mind. Enunciation and inflection is spot on (e.g. fricatives or sibilance-relying phonetic sounds like S's and Z's are properly crisp and clean and yet don't sound like a drill into the eardrum at all) and the dynamics and soundstaging are simply out of this world. It is the closest I have heard to perfection and my preferences yet I have heard from any IEM or headphone. It exceeds the HE-1000, HD800, and so on that I have thoroughly listened to. I immediately committed to a purchase.