What do you think of Equalizer APO software and the filters it creates? I’ve been measuring in REW and exporting the filters it creates into Equalizer APO. Then tons of tweaks and additional parametric filters. Great looking FR curves at my listening position.Ringing, more specifically audible pre-echo will be introduced with sharp phase shifts below 500Hz. I can quantify sharp as larger than 45 degrees with a Q higher than 1. REW auto-eq generated filters are minimum phase and are very unlikely to generate phase shifts of that magnitude.
I know these limits because I create all possible filters and listen with these filters to find where ringing starts. In fact, ringing can be checked quite efficiently from step response.
I find it hard to understand that many audiophiles are so desperately seeking for post calibration results to even try a method. The most complicated filter takes less than an hour to generate. You cannot damage a speaker with a filter and if you don't like the results you switch your previous filter back on. Besides, flat frequency response is almost the least useful evidence of a well calibrated setup followed by phase response. I can get a FR flat with a PEQ by ear in minutes and it would most likely sound throttled/boxy.
I suggest people with passion for better sound out there to go and test the methods that sounds logical to them. Testing is learning.
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