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E1DA Cosmos ADCiso Review

Rate this ADC:

  • 1. Poor (headless panther)

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • 2. Not terrible (postman panther)

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • 3. Fine (happy panther)

    Votes: 15 10.3%
  • 4. Great (golfing panther)

    Votes: 127 87.0%

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As the input divider has very low impedance, the noise re dBFS is independent of selected range with input shorted. So you can calculate it with respect to the range selected by DIP switches, just change FS in Volts.
The my ADC (very good one) noise is 0.6-3.5 uV(A) depending on range 1.7-10 V. It can be just calculated as Unoise = Urange / 10 ^ (DR/20)
did anyone try changing filters for ripping Vinyls, which one give "best" sound quality?
Newbie question here:
How can I measure safely the output of a balanced output amp which can never see ground?
Is there a reason linearity wasn’t measured? I see it in some ADC/interfaces reviews, but not in others.

@amirm could you please comment on this? Thanks
Lower input impedance lowers the input noise which I suspect why it is selected to be so low. If the source you are measuring has constant output impedance then the impact is just a reduction in measured voltage. Otherwise, you will modify the source frequency response. If you don't understand what I just wrote, you probably should not try to measure anything with it. :)
or you just buy the E1DA buffer Scaler with extremely high input impedance to go between the DUT and the original COSMOS ADC or ADCiso. Measurements have shown no noise penalty; by all accounts it offers measurable improvement likely due to the elimination of impedance/frequency mismatch.

The ADC by itself is very good, the reason I chose it over the RME ADI-2 PRO is the E1DA has a bit better clocking resolution for jitter measurement.

As for really using this as a device to test for SINAD and SNR at 1khz, The APU pre-amp for SNR and 1khz AES-17 analog notch for THD+N / SINAD is a must.

The combination of all three devices is formidable and nothing close to the price can do what they are able to do. I would argue nothing short of Audio Precision and similar systems are able to make any significant improvement, and most of the improvement would be in flexibility, and wide range of testing that can be done.

I just ordered the ADCiso. Been using the previous version for a year at least. Most looking forward to the 'iso' part, getting potentially cleaner isolated power into the ADC.
Upon the hint here at ASR that the Cosmos ADC can be ordered at Aliexpress I looked at the price which is 357 EURO for the A grade version. Due to lack of documentation, only 1 channel with low input impedance and 3.5 mm imput jack to me the price is too high. For double the price QuantAsylum offers 2-ch ADC and DAC including measurement sofware plus support. OK, the low distortion performance is not reaching the cosmos ADC. But for many tests it will be usable.
For double the price QuantAsylum offers 2-ch ADC and DAC including measurement sofware plus support. OK, the low distortion performance is not reaching the cosmos ADC. But for many tests it will be usable.

The Quantasylum QA403 is a complete instrument, with calibrated software controlled input and output ranges, standard 100k/200k input impedance across all ranges, active protection, also fully isolated and offers ADC/DAC bit for bit synchronisation along with continually evolving, regularly updated software and firmware, bug fixes and user requested features added.
Well, it's this old story. E1DA shop cannot ship to Germany and a number of other countries because some certification is missing (probably not worth the expense), so some sellers are taking advantage of this. You can order from Audiophonics, but they charge € 329 - 1% for the VAT difference between France and Germany for grade A. Linsoul and hifigo are a lot cheaper, shipping and tax included. Or you can email Sunny at E1DA and she will do a special order for you. I've done that several times and she is a pleasure to deal with.
Same question.

Can I plug an analog only mic preamp into this to connect it to my PC to get better conversion than my audio interface?
A little bit different (but similar question): Can I plug the line out of my APT/Holman preamp into it to digitize my LP's onto my computer?
A little bit different (but similar question): Can I plug the line out of my APT/Holman preamp into it to digitize my LP's onto my computer?
The Cosmos ADC is a general purpose Line in device, so yes.
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