What we need is better education, not censorship. Most people are educated badly and thus evil.
Wow! People are educated differently. I dare say disagreeing with you is a real issue.
Lets get this clear. It takes one to know one. I like this forum less, "it's my way or the highway" answers. Nothing is written in stone except what is written in stone.
Science evolves just like the human mind. After all, science exist because of our changing minds and thoughts. Someone had to mix colors to get different colors
along the way. I guess there was a few that thought the rainbow was all there was when it came to color.
Because people disagree doesn't mean they are educated badly (poorly ?) or evil (wrong ?). Weird selection of words to say the least. BUT I'm not educated at
all, is that worse than EVIL? Use BIG words impress me.
The word salad kings lose 90% of their appeal to me in the first sentence. It goes down from there. What you
say, is who you are on the webb. What you
do is who you are in the real world.
"MOST people are educated badly". No they are not. Lazy maybe!
1/2 of a regard, I'll think about the rest.
PS don't take up preaching, you will starve to death.