Someone PM'ed me the DAC info that D+M doesn't seem willing to share. Thanks to the member who send me the info, I think we can now be quite sure (>90%) that the AVC-X6800H, and most likely the Cinema 30 finally get the better DAC IC:
It is not a reference class ESS model that is used in the A1H and AV10, but with SINAD 110 dB, it is 3 dB better than the previously used AK4458, or 17 dB better than the PCM5102A. It is also 5 dB better in DR. Obviously I am only comparing specs, that would likely result in higher measured SINAD too if Amir ever gets one from D+M, or a member. It does not mean there will be audible improvements over the AVC-X6700H/SR8015 that used the TI chips, though it likely will, in sighted listening comparison.
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