Thank you, but I can say much more than what I did in the other thread:
Direct, Pure Direct & Stereo with Audyssey by-pass
If you have a mike and the REW App you can measure the
Actually, I would add that I think the OP's speculation seems reasonable, that's probably how it is done, as I doubt the newer D+M AVRs would include analog circuity to do bass management specifically for direct/pure direct mode. We likely can only know the specifics if and when D, or M starts selling service manuals again, that practice seems to have stopped since around 2018/19?? Or if people who have direct contacts to their engineering, such as Amir and Gene, the rest of us cannot get pass their first line customer support team, who typically don't have the knowledge of (or access) to such level of technical information.
There are other features that also operate in "Pure Direct" mode, double-bass and bi-amp without published implementation.
I suspect, that these are all accomplished with digitization and DSP processing.
I am not saying that is not necessarily bad, it may no longer an all analog path.
- Rich