I work full-time in live sound, Class D/switching amps are industry standard, period these days.
32,800W (4ch) out of 2U enclosure -
20,800W (16ch) out of 2U -
https://www.l-acoustics.com/products/la7-16/ (note: L'Acoustics notoriously under-rates their products in almost every aspect)
This is a good read:
Note Page 22's graph on power vs. time.
I will say subjectively (and every professional I've ever met will agree), no amplifier on subwoofers works as well as a big, old, heavy, inefficient A/B amp with a huge transformer and enough capacitors to instantly kill 15 people (assuming the same total watts vs a Class D solution). Unfortunately, they are impractical to tour with and require far larger generator rentals ($$$), so there is no market for them apart from individuals who run their own system (mostly dub/bass/genre sound systems which need to play 35hz full-scale for 3 minutes straight with zero output sag).
For reference, the most powerful non-switching amplifiers were the:
1) Crown Macro-Tech 10000
(3 phase, designed for <1ohm subwoofer arrays, specs, page 30 as well as
this sheet)
2) Crest 100001
(specs, AFAIK, truly class A/B linear supply, no rail switching!!)
3) Void Infinite 8 Mk2
(class G, specs also
independent bench test)
4) Crown Macro-Tech 5000VZ/5002VZ
(class G, specs)
5) EV P3000
(true class A/B, linear supply, no rail switching, specs)
Honorable/borderline not qualifiable mentions (no headroom, so no benefits/merits):
Matrix XT6004 (SMPS single rail voltage, Class A/B)
MC2 E45 and
Lab Gruppen 20K44 both use tracking rail SMPS. Lab's Class TD implementation works quite a bit better than MC2's traditional Class H, which is how it manages 20kw while still using A/B output stages.
Edit: The Lab Gruppen design is so good, that it's been successfully cloned. And yes these amps actually do make all that power for that price. It's incredible.