Major Contributor
Actually, I used REW's periodic white noise with band-limiting for these plots which gives a flat response in the RTA without any windowing when the FFT size matches the period. For the stopband plot of the ADC the noise starts at fs/2, for the passband it stopped there. For the DAC a full range source noise was used.People are used to measure out of band with white noise, see tons of such pics floating around and also Amir's stopband ones. KSTR always amazes me, I have never seen so clear and clean measurements of that before (obviously not using noise).
The hard part was to get that all work with two devices running at different sample rates (though one at multiples of the other) and with the devices not even sync'ed (as that can't be done at different rates, the ADI-2 don't have a 10MHz word-clock input **). The trick I used was heating/cooling the master clock oscillator of one device to bring it very close to the other, giving a low beating frequency and enough time to capture the FFT (with some averaging applied) at a point with no leakage artifacts.
For the ADC plots, I added some amount of smoothing to touch it up a little and I had to apply singificant gain to the stop-band curves to stitch them to their passbands, which is why the noise floor appears to be low on those.
**) I do have ideas how to fix this, the key is to feed both devices from the same 25MHz master clock oscillator... which would be a significant hardware hack not without risk to ruin the interfaces...
It's a pity that REW can'be scripted but then again, for a freeware it's absolutely phenomenal and in many regards on par with high $$$ AP, ListenInc, etc
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