to the question => which one is the best for me ?
the answer is trivial => have a test & you'll get "your right gear", the one that fits to your ears
Some prefer Neumann, some prefer other brands.
It's a matter of taste <= during test-listening session, without any active correction behind that of course
(let's call it => "scratch-test")
Then, this "scratch-test" is 100% the one to follow, simply because it fits to your ears, thus, at home/studio you'll have to adjust "a bit" via active correction.
Then, if you look ahead of that basic feedback :
what's your setup ? digital only I guess in 2023....
, then there are a few option on the market now :
- Neumann & few other brands with AES67 input (1)
- other brands with AES inputs (2)
- other brands with coax inputs (3)
(1) => no go to me because lack of feedbacks regarding the diff vs SQ of AES67 vs AES3
by lack of feedback, I mean "a jump". But no jump was reported so why bother... => no go !
(3) => from electronic side => old stuff => no go
(2) => so far, it's the best stuff ! AES is a very good "transmission line" as we talk in electronics
Hope it helps