This is a tough question and you have to narrow down what you like. Also, is a sub included for this price? Without a sub defintely bigger woofer. What's your usage? Monitoring, music listening, etc. How loud do you plan to play? Here are some top choices. Sorry no Genelec for this price without a sub IMHO
Ordered in my preference.
Without sub.
1. Kali IN-5/8 worth the extra over the LP-6/8 and the 308 IMHO. I use the IN-5 almost daily and really like it. They are in my living room which I use for my work out area. Yes, I'm single.
2. JBL LSR-306/308 (308/LP-8 very close go eith the one that has the better deal). I have a pair of 308s but since the IN-5 they have been relugated to the basement.
Have more limited experience with the ones below
3. Focal Alpha EVO 65/80
3. IK iLoud MTM (would like to spend more time with these)
I do have more experience with these and that is my ranking
4. Adam T7/8V (people tend to love the ribbon style tweeter or not, don't rule them out by my opinion)
With Sub
1. Kali LP-6/8 with WS-6.2 (definitely like the Kali sub better than JBL, I would consider it with other monitors, would probably go with LP-6 unless playing loud)
2. JBL LSR-305/306/308 with LSR-310 or pick your sub
Have more limited experience with the ones below
3.IK iLoud Micro with pick your sub
3. Focal Alpha 50 EVO with pick your sub
4. Adam T5/7/8V with T10S sub (haven't used the TS10S sub but many manufacturers customize their crossover for their speakers and sometimes is a better fit than others)
5. Maybe Mackie MR series with MRS-10 sub