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Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

I’ll be impressed when I can input a test signal and route it to any channel or combination of channels as I can with most dsps, that way I can measure phase with Smaart without disconnecting speakers as I have to now
I’ll be impressed when I can input a test signal and route it to any channel or combination of channels as I can with most dsps, that way I can measure phase with Smaart without disconnecting speakers as I have to now
just use the multi stereo mode on the avr that sends same sound generated mono signal to all speakers , put a speaker switcher box on the system so can flip a switch to mute certain speakers for testing
just use the multi stereo mode on the avr that sends same sound generated mono signal to all speakers , put a speaker switcher box on the system so can flip a switch to mute certain speakers for testing
This is a clever suggestion.
This is a clever suggestion.
denon X3800H has multi stereo mode i used it all time when 8500h was in use now serves for laserdisc and VHS video mode hdmi to stormaudio
use that and all need is a behringer DCX 2496 for ( common LCR ) 2nd DCX for subs and two sidewall surrounds that will be connected for multi sidewall surround array
use A input for left surround , B input for LFE.1/sw extension , C input for right surround , 3rd DCX for , get the idea ? and each DCX has mute switch so can mute channels and frequency sweep pink noise until blue in the face with it , all these rubbish avr on the market have no mute switches for individual channels and no LED meters to see what is going on but LED VU meters on the DCX are not all accurate to few dB , ( i know what your looking for to listening for ) just brought the wrong avr/s i know

you want to hear , indiana jones and the last crusade with pin point dialogue panning , i know , you really want to hear ( last crusade with five screen wide ) but the avr can't do five screen wide only few processors can or few simple cheap x2 Dolby SDU4 will achieve this with five matching speakers behind the projection screen and then you can hear those , wow , wow dialog pans better than when it was shown 70mm format 43 with just three screen even thou that sounded wow in THX , i know , i know this is what your looking for and it's all on ebay 2nd-hand cheap just waiting to be , " grab it by the 2nd hand "and put it together , with JBL Jedi Blaster Lightsabers why else did Tom , George select JBL ? its Jedi speakers , i know , i know this is what your been looking for
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Can anyone point me to a tutorial that explains how to take the measurements (I understand with EVO onwards you do it with REW)

Also - can it be done on a Mac? I notice there is a .bat script that must be run to read the config out of the AVR. Presumably that is windows only. It'l be a pain in the ass if I have to lug down my (now unused) tower PC to put it next to the AVR.

Ta Muchly.

If I recall correctly, OCA has covered it on some of his videos on previous versions of his calibration tools, so I'd start looking there!

You will also find some of the settings you should use in REW on the Nexus Changelogs, though the sweeps you'll be able to use depend a lot on your system (windows or Mac + if you have height speakers or not).
From your comment, sounds like it's a Mac, so if you don't have height channels, you can do it with REWs own sweeps. Do keep in mind that sometimes when you connect the AVR to a mac through HDMI, you might have center / LFE channels incorrectly mapped (swapped), but I believe this can be remapped in rew.

I was about to test Neuron yesterday with my current Nexus measurements, though apparently the Mac version hasn't been released yet. I've read some users were able to run using Wine, though if you're not in a rush, it shouldn't be worth the trouble, as OCA has suggested that a Mac compatible version should come out in a couple of days.

There has been some teasing that the new tool that comes with Neuron might help the process of measuring, and apparently a new video on it should come out soon, so I'd also recommend waiting for it to come out (and hopefully Mac compatible by then).
If I recall correctly, OCA has covered it on some of his videos on previous versions of his calibration tools, so I'd start looking there!

You will also find some of the settings you should use in REW on the Nexus Changelogs, though the sweeps you'll be able to use depend a lot on your system (windows or Mac + if you have height speakers or not).
From your comment, sounds like it's a Mac, so if you don't have height channels, you can do it with REWs own sweeps. Do keep in mind that sometimes when you connect the AVR to a mac through HDMI, you might have center / LFE channels incorrectly mapped (swapped), but I believe this can be remapped in rew.

I was about to test Neuron yesterday with my current Nexus measurements, though apparently the Mac version hasn't been released yet. I've read some users were able to run using Wine, though if you're not in a rush, it shouldn't be worth the trouble, as OCA has suggested that a Mac compatible version should come out in a couple of days.

There has been some teasing that the new tool that comes with Neuron might help the process of measuring, and apparently a new video on it should come out soon, so I'd also recommend waiting for it to come out (and hopefully Mac compatible by then).
Thanks for the info.
just use the multi stereo mode on the avr that sends same sound generated mono signal to all speakers , put a speaker switcher box on the system so can flip a switch to mute certain speakers for testing
That’s the same difference just with switches instead of unplugging a banana plug or seven

Manufacturers should make a solo menu so you can do it with a remote, it’s a given in all aftermarket dsps, why not put it into the AVR software, it’s a dsp after all at its heart
If you have only have the MultiEQ version of Audyssey and do not have XT or XT32. A1 Evo Neuron will not work on your AVR.
I'm getting this message when importing an .ady file to the app – both from my phone and from Google Drive:

"The specified file is not located in the device's local storage or is not a proper curve file".

Does anyone know a solution to this?
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