I gotta be honest. I feel like threads that devolve in to an "us vs them" attitude are really doing no favors to the audio community. There is already a strong divide between subjectivists and objectivist-minded people and belittling the "others" (no matter which side you are on) doesn't serve to help the purpose of informing the misinformed. It just pushes them away. Subjectivists may come to this forum - based on Steve's recommendation - to see "just what the measurement stuff is about" - and find this thread where their favorite YouTuber is at first appreciated for recognizing "this side" of things but ultimately is crapped on and they can't help but feel as if *they* are, too, being crapped on.
When I started doing videos I started off with the "gung ho" attitude of telling people what was right and what was wrong. Two or three videos in I realized that I was an a$$hole for doing that. We don't need condescension and belittling. What's the point? Because people who appreciate objective data might get a chuckle out of it? If your point is simply bouncing your opinions around in an echo chamber and not *truly* educating those who are uninformed then that's fine. But if the goal is to educate and explain then I think tactics really need to change. That old "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" adage really does ring true in a case like this.
I realize I may sound like I'm giving a "from the soapbox" speech here. But I think you guys (most of you, at least) understand my true nature is to inform and educate and to not drive the wedge between camps even further. I'm just trying to be the voice of reason. Another couple adages fit well here: "with great power comes great responsibility" as well as "carpe diem". Steve has a huge fanbase of subjective-oriented folks and has given this group a chance to be seen by them. Let's welcome those with differing views so they can maybe understand what the data is about rather than push them away without ever realizing it. The bottom line is Steve gave a shoutout to ASR (regardless of how you feel about him or his message). People may go "hmmm, what's that about". They come here, see a bunch of guys talking bad about people of their ilk and go "oh, yea, this ain't for me" and then leave. That opportunity is squandered.
/my $0.02
When I started doing videos I started off with the "gung ho" attitude of telling people what was right and what was wrong. Two or three videos in I realized that I was an a$$hole for doing that. We don't need condescension and belittling. What's the point? Because people who appreciate objective data might get a chuckle out of it? If your point is simply bouncing your opinions around in an echo chamber and not *truly* educating those who are uninformed then that's fine. But if the goal is to educate and explain then I think tactics really need to change. That old "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" adage really does ring true in a case like this.
I realize I may sound like I'm giving a "from the soapbox" speech here. But I think you guys (most of you, at least) understand my true nature is to inform and educate and to not drive the wedge between camps even further. I'm just trying to be the voice of reason. Another couple adages fit well here: "with great power comes great responsibility" as well as "carpe diem". Steve has a huge fanbase of subjective-oriented folks and has given this group a chance to be seen by them. Let's welcome those with differing views so they can maybe understand what the data is about rather than push them away without ever realizing it. The bottom line is Steve gave a shoutout to ASR (regardless of how you feel about him or his message). People may go "hmmm, what's that about". They come here, see a bunch of guys talking bad about people of their ilk and go "oh, yea, this ain't for me" and then leave. That opportunity is squandered.
/my $0.02
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