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ASR Weekly Audio Reviews Episode #2 (Video)


Staff Member
CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
Feb 13, 2016
Seattle Area
Continuing on the theme of weekly audio reviews, here is the next installment:

Text reviews:
Classic Audio MC Pro Phonostage Review: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/...classic-audio-mc-pro-phonostage-review.47139/
Fiio R7 Android Streamer Review: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/fiio-r7-android-streamer-review.47234/
Topping RD3 TP Balanced DAC Review: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/topping-rd3-tp-balanced-dac-review.47196/
JBL Studio 590 Speaker Review: https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/jbl-studio-590-speaker-review.47269/

If you have not subscribed, please go to youtube and do that. Videos are not monetized but higher subscriber count/views get google to rank videos higher, getting the word out more broadly.

Edit: there are chapter markers which you can see if you hover over the progress bar (or use the description in youtube page).
BTW, I set a timer for 30 minutes and managed to stick to that budget (the ringing at the end was my phone's timer going off). Let me know how you feel about this faster review. It certainly was less work for me to create it than the first one which nearly lasted one hour.
These are great Amir. Sort of like an audiobook of the online reviews though - it would be cool if you had a segment with the DUT in hand to offer any afterthoughts give a sense of scale and features. Probably take more time though and take it away from your veggie harvest, further product testing and life stuff so never mind....
Amir, I would highly suggest, in addition to the roundup, release each segment as a separate video with specific product title. Then you get more views per video, probably more subscribers, and individual products will be easier to find via search. There are many YouTubers who will do a live half hour / one hour show which immediately gets published, they then do a quick cut into individual segments, and then release one each day until their next live show. I believe “daily” aka more frequent, shorter, topic specific releases helps with the “algorithm”. And hopefully the minimal amount of editing/releasing time will be well worth the additional YouTube views and subscribers. Best of luck!
@amirm I like a lot of your content, but this seems like a big time sink that really doesn't add much to the written reviews. I'd rather fewer videos that were more in-depth.
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@amirm I like how you are changing things up and shorter is better as the in depth is in the written word so if people like shorter go with it. Hate to be the one who says not for me but I'm not your manager or investor and don't need a weekly report from you. I can get it from the Reviews link. What do like is I get a sense of how you feel about these products, a touch of emotion as it were, enthusiasm or ho-hum. So you are on the right track but for me a format change that emphasizes a segment such as "this month I've chosen to cover streaming dacs that I have reviewed in the last six to eight months and I'm happy to say with a few exceptions most test well but the UIs are quite different here is what I found". There are plenty of segments Amps, headphones, DSP devices, phono pre-amps, desk top speakers or off beat things like products that have the best value, or improved since last review etc. Mine your vast data and tell us what you think and what is changing and what is ubiquitous. As you have stated the "best of" format is "click bate" so do it on a comparison basis and keep it simple, I recommend X for features for price and can not for Y because it its difficult to use and learning too arduous, as you do in your reviews. I find that that many come here to get advice on a choice of a single device or comparable devices for purchase and some to stay up one whats new, but my guess is they are targeted in what they are curious about, such as speakers or headphones or digital sources etc. My two cents FWIW.
BTW, I set a timer for 30 minutes and managed to stick to that budget (the ringing at the end was my phone's timer going off). Let me know how you feel about this faster review. It certainly was less work for me to create it than the first one which nearly lasted one hour.
I like the short multi product overview. If I need to know more it's all right here.
These are awesome Amir. Really like the weekly update format. Thanks for your dedication and hard work Sir.
Thanks for the feedback you all. One comment: reading what people say below the video on youtube consistently tells me that most of them are not reading the text reviews here. They either get the info from video or not at all. So for them there is no redundancy with the video.
@amirm I like a lot of your content, but this seems like a big time sink that really doesn't add much to the written reviews. I'd rather fewer videos that were more in-depth.
If by in depth you mean deep dive in technical topics, alas, they tend to get less views. They are "evergreen" so will be useful for a long time but short term interest is lower than these review videos. I am thinking people have to be in a mood to want to sit down to learn something as opposed to passing the time watching this kind or review video.
Thanks for the feedback you all. One comment: reading what people say below the video on youtube consistently tells me that most of them are not reading the text reviews here. They either get the info from video or not at all. So for them there is no redundancy with the video.
I'm one of them. I spend far too much time on YT. It is easier for me to listen and take a quick glance over than reading the whole reviews at times. Again much appreciated and thoughtful for thinking of that demographic!
I'm one of them. I spend far too much time on YT. It is easier for me to listen and take a quick glance over than reading the whole reviews at times. Again much appreciated and thoughtful for thinking of that demographic!
Funny to say that I am too! I get so much more out of video reviews than text.
Great job…if it’s about products I use then I read the details…and if it’s general knowledge I want or to better understand nuisances about some of your written words these add a lot. Remember you are retired so do what you want. JUST DON’T STOP PLEASE!,,
Hey @amirm great content, really enjoy and learn from every video. How about a video on your favorite speakers that you’ve tested (measurement+subjective), maybe even examples where subjectively they sounded better than expected from the data. Keep up the great work!
For me, written reviews are most informative. I do like the short video reviews as a prolog to the full reviews as I can more easily hone in on gear relevant to me, and then read the test, and other's comments, on the web site.
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