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ask for advice on update genelec 8330a to 8331a or jbl 705p


Jan 18, 2023
My PC room is 2.6m wide, 3.5m long, 3m high, PC table is 1.2m wide, now is using PC -> rme adi-2 dac fs -> 8330a with glm, for music, movie, game.
Speaker is put on my PC table, so the biggest size is 5 inch, and no plan to add subwoofer.
8331a is one of my option, what can i get if change to 8331a, and is it a big change? the price is 3x.
And what about 705p? about 2x price.
Is any other better choice?
If you don't have issues of sound integration and already use GLM (I assume you do as you're using the 8330) or REW for correction, I doubt there will be noticeable gain on SQ, more of sidegrade+ satisifying Gear Acquistion Syndrome. going coaxial 8331A I think imaging could improve noticeably if you tend to move around
Only thing you are missing with the current setup is bass extension and you have removed basically the only options to improve it, namely bigger speakers and a subwoofer.

Save your money.
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