genelec 8331a

  1. W

    Genelec 8030C to 8331/41A??

    Hello, I have an RME ADI-2 DAC with a pair of 8030Cs and am happy. Of course, the Ones are better. How much better is an 8331,8341 over the 8030C for near field <1m listening distance with -40dB to -50Db value on my DAC? I'm not sure if the dB varies significantly between brands, but those are...
  2. J

    Questions of Genelec GLM function & stored button of the ones 8331 8341 8351

    The stored button on 8331 / 8341 / 8351's back panel is set off. After calibration with GLM, but not stored into monitor, and keep the network port connected to the GLM kit. 1. If keep GLM solfware closed, the monitor's voice is still not calibrated? 2. Only keep the GLM software open, the...
  3. J

    ask for advice on update genelec 8330a to 8331a or jbl 705p

    My PC room is 2.6m wide, 3.5m long, 3m high, PC table is 1.2m wide, now is using PC -> rme adi-2 dac fs -> 8330a with glm, for music, movie, game. Speaker is put on my PC table, so the biggest size is 5 inch, and no plan to add subwoofer. 8331a is one of my option, what can i get if change to...
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