Common only because of poor design! I have owned all sorts of audio electronic devices including my current set up that have every single HDMI inputs used, as well as at least one coax, toslink, analog (balanced and unbalanced), USB, antenna, Ethernet connected and have
never experienced any ground loop issues, not audible anyway.
Surely you would agree that one doesn't need to be an EE to know how to hook things up to minimum the chance of getting audible noise from ground loops, unless the device(s) being connected together has some design issues making it/them inherently more prone! That's when a reputable manufacturers citing ground loop(s) being the reason for high noise/distortions, we should be skeptical about whether it is a legit "hook up" issues, i.e. not following good practice/instructions, or a design related issue, or a combination of both.
May be we should do a poll here to find out how many are currently suffering from ground loop related noise.
May be your are 100% right, that it is in fact a common issue and I just happen to be so lucky to never experience it, except may be for a brief moment when I didn't do everything right. Or may be it depends on how we define "common".