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      rlal reacted to Beershaun's post in the thread Subwoofer suggestions with Like Like.
      1) check the Dirac instructions to find out what spl level your subs should be at combined when Dirac runs the calibration. (Usually...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      Thanks for your reply. My Arcam 850 cannot calibrate the sub independently. I used to do a factory reset and never used to do manual...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      They use a 1900$ driver? That is impressive. Very curious to hear this sub.
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      If I get a 15 inch sealed Rhythmik will it be an issue? I mean one being 12 and other 15"? The one I have is 12" but it is made by Salk...
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      rlal reacted to Beershaun's post in the thread Subwoofer suggestions with Like Like.
      Add a second rythmik 12 sub is your next step.
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      I do have a Umik1 with calibration done separately. I use that mic while using Dirac. I have tried REW before. I will try to use it...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      Dirac target shape is like you mentioned with a small slope. However my problem is the sub is showing lot of dips or the measured...
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      rlal reacted to terryforsythe's post in the thread Subwoofer suggestions with Like Like.
      I will also add that even after the above adjustments, I still was not completely satisfied with my mid bass (single 6.5" woofer in each...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      I think I need to look at options you mentioned. I have never tried those options and never played with slopes.
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      I am using Dirac. I ahve note tried subwoofer crawl as my setup is in living room. However I have tried moving it but may be not...
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      rlal reacted to Keith_W's post in the thread Subwoofer suggestions with Like Like.
      A couple of points, if I may :) Firstly, you listen to your room as much as you listen to your sub. Sometimes, even more than the sub...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      Hi Keith_W, Thanks for your suggestions. I have experimented with position but not all the locations available. I like your suggestions...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      Thanks for your reply. I am using Dirac live and after calibration I never tried to increase the volume level on sub. I will try it...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      I have gone through that. As I mentioned I am looking for very tight mid bass slam and my main priority is music. I have checked the...
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      rlal replied to the thread Subwoofer suggestions.
      Thanks for your reply. So you set high and low cross over on the sub or on the AVR? I am planning to add one more so that it become...
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