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A Call For Humor!


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Feb 16, 2021


Grand Contributor
Central Scrutinizer
Mar 9, 2016
Riverview FL
In a world gone mad, it's nice to find something reassuring...

(I mean, they have changed the cap design at some point along the way, but, otherwise -- yeah)


While in Japan, I had the need to purchase a new mechanical pencil.

So I dropped by the Sogo Department Store next to Kashiwa Station.


(Oh no, it closed in 2016... Sad...)

There was a glass counter displaying all sorts of writing utensils.

I pointed to one that would fulfil my desire for writing stuff on paper.

The girl behind the display reached in and pulled it out.

She handed it to the girl waiting next to her, who walked it three feet to the girl at the cash register.

She rang it up, and took my hundred yen coin, and handed the pencil to the next girl.

Who put in in a little box, and tied a ribbon on it, and placed that in a small Sogo logo'd paper bag, folded the top over, and handed it to me.

Then all four of them gave me a little courtesy bow, I returned it, and I was on my way.

Later that evening, saw one of the girls at the bar, and had some drinks.

I miss Japan, especially when someone else is footing the bill, in this case, NEC.


Major Contributor
Sep 26, 2017
The girl behind the display reached in and pulled it out.

She handed it to the girl waiting next to her, who walked it three feet to the girl at the cash register.

She rang it up, and took my hundred yen coin, and handed the pencil to the next girl.

Who put in in a little box, and tied a ribbon on it, and placed that in a small Sogo logo'd paper bag, folded the top over, and handed it to me.
Reminded me of a big clothing shop in Chennai. 1950s oak counters and shelves. And that vacuum pipe system for moving invoices and packing slips in tube/cylinders. From the counter to the invoicing place to the packing place. Tailoring while you wait outside on the verandah.
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