Lots of interesting contributions in this thread. Thank you so much guys.

Let's try to sum this up :
Genelec is a serious contender and they obviously know what they're doing.
8351B are an option, but maybe the
8361A could fit within my budget, and since I don't want to complicate things with additional subwoofers, maybe I should go the extra mile and get the 8361A directly. Not to mention that I plan to listen to them at 4-5 m distance, so not exactly near field... I've seen the 8361A at less than 10K$ (pair), but I haven't found any price in €... Why is it so difficult to find european prices for digital active monitors ?
X-SPDIF 2 is 400 €. But like phoenixdogfan said, a basic format converter should suffice on the digital side, provided your PC has a SPDIF output (which a lot of recent motherboards have). Don't you think
@EchoChamber ? Why get an X-SPDIF 2 if a basic format converter can do the job ?
On the PC side, my player of choice is and will be
foobar2000, as I have invested countless hours in customizing it to my very needs. So I don't know about other players like
Roon and I'm not really interested (they can't provide higher quality than foobar2000 anyway). Which leads me to this :
D&D 8C Studio has all the features of the regular 8C except the lack of Roon support, I think that's highly overpriced! 2000 € just for Roon support ?

I must be missing something. And why only Roon ? Why not just any other player ? Why pay 2000 € just for that ?

In that case I could just get a pair of 8C Studio for 8000 € (+ taxes apparently), a SPDIF to AES/EBU converter (why use a DAC in this case ?), and I would be all set. Have I forgotten something ?
As for
Volume Control, at first I was thinking of doing it directly with foobar2000, since it handles volume over 32 bit, which leaves 16 bit of room in case of 16-bit audio files (99% of my files). So roughly speaking, you could lower the volume to about -96dB without affecting sound quality. However, maybe it's not so simple as
S/N ratio could be affected by digital volume control, unless digital volume control has direct DAC access. Which means that I should mainly control volume with D&D or Genelec's Ethernet based app which (I suppose) has direct access to their own internal DACs, and only use foobar2000's volume control over a small range (10dB or so). What do you think ? I'm a bit lost here.
So to sum it up, my system could look like this in case of digital active monitors :
- PC --> SPDIF --> Passive Converter --> Digital AES/EBU --> Monitors (D&D, Genelec, GGNTKT...)
- PC --> Ethernet --> Home Ethernet Switch --> Ethernet --> Monitors (D&D, Genelec, GGNTKT...)
- Audio player : foobar2000
- Volume Control : mainly by manufacturer's app, residually by audio player
I don't mind having a double connection to the Monitors (Digital AES/EBU + Ethernet).