
  1. dualazmak

    Let's share diagrams (and photos) of our total physical audio system and the whole signal path, with a few words and/or links

    Prior to starting this new thread, I have searched all the thread titles within ASR Forum by a key word "diagram" and found we have no similar thread like this; if you know/find some, please let me know. I always believe one diagram or one photo would worth more than 1,000 words especially for...
  2. B

    System build components

    Greetings, this is just a general presentation of what kind of an audio system I would like to build and if everything will work together. Thank you in advance. Parts: - Speakers: Kef Ls50 Meta (already have- found good local second hand deal) also nice banana plugs and cables - Streamer: Wiim...
  3. H

    looking for some advice on stereo system

    hey so I live in Japan and I'm looking to buy some diatone speakers, my current choice is the DS-77HRX but if you recommend something else below 40,000 yen that you think might be better please go ahead. first of all I don't know if these speakers will be good for a digital source such as a...
  4. E

    What audio system do you own?

    There is this thread "What headphone(s) do you own ?" with many posts. Maybe a similar thread related to the complete audio system might be of general interest. I have not found another thread covering this. At least I would be curious... Apart from the gear itself, the distance from speakers...
  5. mononoaware

    2021 Desktop Setup - Your audio auditioning/archiving system

    Please share a photo of your 2021 audio archive desktop setup. It can be ugly or odd lets see where you analyze your audio. Requirements: use this post as example. Audio: Sabaj DA3 Balanced DAC + Panasonic SC-GA10 Smart speakers. (Audition system is intentionally lower fidelity than...
  6. Jose Hidalgo

    10K€ System Challenge (specs inside)

    Hi everybody, I've been out of the game for a while and I'm looking for recommendations. I hope this is the right sub-forum for this. I'm based in France, so some overseas products may not fit here IF there is a significant price increase due to $/€ parity or shipping costs. I could have posted...
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