Really?youtube revenue is a tiny fraction of google's total revenue and probably costs them about as much also. i dont feel sorry for them im just stating that youtube isnt the huge money printing machine that some people think it is.
500 hours of video is uploaded to youtube every minute and probably the majority of those videos will only get like 2 views. and of those views probably a good amount of people are using adblock thus earning youtube no money. and of those people who not have adblock most of them dont click on ads again earning youtube little to no money.
From a The Verge article dated February 3, 2020.
The announcement marks the first time in YouTube’s nearly 15 years as a Google-owned platform, since Google bought the website in 2006 for $1.65 billion, that the company has revealed how much money YouTube-hosted ads contribute to the search giant’s bottom line.
On an annual basis, Google says YouTube generated $15 billion last year and contributed roughly 10 percent to all Google revenue. Those figures make YouTube’s ad business nearly one fifth the size of Facebook’s, and more than six times larger than all of Amazon-owned Twitch.