That's also what I think, the measurements are for whole spectrum, and our known great recordings of specific genere and production time have their own prominent frequency spectrum. Yes if you know the recordings well and in your own room, in your own location, audition tells more about how it sound with reverb and various reflections combined which is all that important to you, but then when maybe one day you found another album on tidal/spotify etc. that you like and you got the HD version/CD, just to find that your own great setup might have drawbacks on those spectrums it may render the album less enjoyable or out landish too harsh on ears.What about good recordings you don’t heard yetor good recordings not even made yet
Our reference recordings can be a bit flawed and may not help us getting a reference playback system ?
Currently I’ve auditioned in store most of my main speakers , the small ones for seconddary use I just bought.
I’m not sure it helped me .
I will try to get a speaker built using science and best practices next time hopefully it will present a neautral rendition of the source material .
I would deem it necessary have tone controls and/or eq and possibly a good physiological volume control then i can make some recordings behave that would not otherwise.
I just mean it may be a trap to buy a speakers that sounds just rigth with some recordings . Maybe its better to get something thats aspire to do actual reference playback and gets you almost there which I think is possible nowadays. But accept eq and tone controls as part of the system not as bandaids .
I would always prefer a neutral speaker, and for specific tracks/albums where I know I would want bass/highs to be attenuated or boosted, just pick out the EQ to do that.