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What you need to know about the virus in China "2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)"

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I would like to use a four letter word as my reaction.

A hospital in the US today reported that they used five months of some supplies in six days of dealing with coronavirus patients.


We are so screwed.

The democratic westerner in me was revulsed by the Wuhan martial law lockdown when it happened in China. While I don't want to experience it myself, I have finally come to see it as a reasonable solution to stopping the community spread.
A hospital in the US today reported that they used five months of some supplies in six days of dealing with coronavirus patients.


We are so screwed.

The democratic westerner in me was revulsed by the Wuhan martial law lockdown when it happened in China. While I don't want to experience it myself, I have finally come to see it as a reasonable solution to stopping the community spread.

I'm glad you finally do see the necessity of the complete lockdown in Wuhan and nationwide general lockdown in China.

Its a lot like a persistent wet cough that will not go away until you abstain completely from foodstuff that are cold, sour, oily, spicy in general. It will make food pretty unpalatable. But its the only way to aid ridding of the cough more quickly while under medication.
Oh waaa!!!... All you complainers... I have asthma, get whooping cough/pertussis that busts ribs and I'm not complaining. Just hitting the adult beverages and hoping for the best ;) I was out taking night snaps with my camera and I plan on dusting the furniture and playing some first person shooter games to pass the time... life goes on ;)
As a side note... The local pooder store was sold out of RTX 2060 Super ASUS video cards and they where not sure when they would be open in the future... Doom and Gloom ... doom and gloom ;)
https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 and https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries are a goof source to get infos, although they're not updated in real-time (few hours latency, so there're higher numbers in reality).

Yesterday in RO we had 49 new clinical cases due to human ignorance: a guy that last week came from a red-zone and lied authorities about that, then he infected several doctors and civilians.

Also, last evening, an infected citizen travelled from MAD to OTP via airplane, although he had a paper from Milan doctors stating that he has Coronoavirus and he is not allowed to leave designated area. Now authorities try to rich out to the 60 passengers and all the others that got in direct contact with them in the past hours. :(

How schmucks, selfish and ignorants can we, humans, be?
As a side note... The local pooder store was sold out of RTX 2060 Super ASUS video cards and they where not sure when they would be open in the future... Doom and Gloom ... doom and gloom ;)
1st world problems. I had a HD take a dump on me today. No warning just up and crapped out. 500 gig SP Silicon Power SSD. About 18 months old in a sometimes used backup laptop. Don't buy SP SSD's.

Everything essential was backed up. I lost some stuff I'd rather not. And I hope I'm not forgetting something that was on it. I think this is the 1st time I've ever had an HD go bad on me personally. Some at work, and some I've fixed it for others, but none for me. Well guess my luck was due to run out. If I get the corona virus, this won't seem like anything important at all.
Seems that listening to the music might help in dealing with flu and different viruses: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4YnQAELk8q1HbF2hpBe2kr (not sure who's playlist is, but I simply found it searching the net).

Some healing sounds that seem to be good with dealing with H1N1 epidemic might also help with the actual SARS-CoV-2 pandemia: https://sound-pharmacy.com/product-category/flu/.

I was unable to listen now, I simply found those sounds annoying, but I'll retry in few hours and see if I'll stand those sounds.
Healing Power Carla Bley

It shows the chance to dying, while doing or having, the described things.

for instance scuba diving = 0.001% chance of dying while doing this.
What it basically says is that of all people below 65 years 0.01% is dying because of seasonal flu.
65+ increases the chance to die to 0.1% of the seasonal flu.

For age 10-40 = 0.2% of the infected (not the entire population)
For age 40-50 = 0.4% of the infected
For age 50-60 = 1.2% of the infected
For age 60-70 = 4.5% of the infected
For age 70-80 = 8% of the infected
For age 80+ = 15% of the infected

In short much more deadly than the seasonal flu.
Chance of dying/micromort estimation of Covid-19 is too early to be reliable. The onset of pandemia looks awful, but we will know better only after a year or so. Isolation and social distancing will slow down expansion and make forecasting even more difficult. The modern mankind doesn't have experience of this kind of rapid pandemia and we have never had such global precautions!
Thankfully the community beer and wine store is fully operational ;) ...and I went a got a new video card to keep myself occupied catching up on 3D stuff ;)
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