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What to get instead of Yamaha R-N2000A?


Jan 3, 2024
Hello All,

I am in the quest of audio equipments. I am new to this and I have been reading this forum and all the youtube influencers for the past month.
My head about to explode from all the reviews I've seen.

Anyways, my action plan began and I bought a Technics SL-1500C and now I am actively looking for the rest of the stack.

It seems that the Yamaha R-N2000A is the last item standing on my list for my needs:
- Room correction (a must for me)
- Streamer
- HDMI Arc (don't know if mandatory or not, but I like the idea of having it)
- Can connect the SL-1500C
- Looks beautiful

I also considered the Nad M10 V2.

I plan on buying Buchardt S400 MKII (or maybe A10 depending on what will be said in this thread).
The room is 25 square meters, but could be 50 (long rectangle room, separated by double doors).

My question is: if I don't buy the 2000A, and I want the same (or better) audio quality but in different parts (to avoid a potential technological obsolescence of the all-in-one) what different parts should I consider?
Should I just stick to the Yamaha and enjoy?

As you can see, all my options are open as I don't have anything except a turntable and beautiful records (that I can still hear on my Klipsch the One II. Yea I know.).
Only Yamaha and Lyngdorf have room corrections that work with the push of a button, so to say.
Yea I identified the Lyngdorf 1120 too, seems very nice.

I was in the idea that room correction could be done via dirac with a miniDSP (or something else ?) and the rest of the stack could be other items bundled or separated : preamp / streamer / DAC / amp.

For example I could take a Yamaha A-S1200 for the amp part, but then I don't know if it's possible to add dirac. And if so, what are the drawbacks? What should I pay attention too to always have an "upgradable" stack ?

There are so many options, it is sometimes hard to follow what people are saying because of my lack of knowledge.
Make sure you are ready to study a lot to use Dirac Live. Then why do you think it is called Live?! Not for me, cannot waste my time to get a PhD in Dirac.
miniDSP SHD Power gives you a lot for less $$ than the Yamaha. Below is a review of the SHD power with measurements. Both the SHD and the 1120 do not have analog input so a A/D converter is required but that enables DSP for phono and those who have say it works great. FYI
Thanks! I did not explore the SHD Power before. The more I know, the less I conviction I have about what to do :)
Make sure you are ready to study a lot to use Dirac Live. Then why do you think it is called Live?! Not for me, cannot waste my time to get a PhD in Dirac.
Thanks for the warning, I am willing to put the time to make it right. But yea maybe I am underestimating the task
Dirac only works Live, that is online, on a laptop or a device with Dirac license and online!
Dirac only works Live, that is online, on a laptop or a device with Dirac license and online!
Huh? You don't need internet connection to use Dirac Live
EVERSOLO DMP-A8 plays Apple hi res lossless natively!
Looks like it Uses Android phone turned side ways For the display. You download Apple music on to the device itself. So there is no need to use your iPhone or iPad to stream the music to the player itself.
It is a streamer, DAC and pre-amplifier in one. So all you need to have a complete system, is an amplifier and speakers.
I just got mine so I’m still learning.
I have the Yamaha R-N2000A and it sounds good, but the streamer built into the Eversolo will play much higher quality Internet radio, which I like. you also get a better display more information on the EVERSOLO.
-Eversolo A6
-MiniDSP Flex
-Apollon NCx500ST or any other nice Purifi / Hypex amp.

Not as combo solution like the Yamaha, but cheaper and future-proof.
Also you still can have the VU-Meters!
I have the Yamaha R-N2000A and it sounds good, but the streamer built into the Eversolo will play much higher quality Internet radio, .
What does this mean?
How were you able to discern between the two?
What is Eversolo doing better, WIFI connection or what?
EVERSOLO: Higher bit rate and kilohertz like four and five times higher KHZ, some highe. I think I found a couple that were 2 Mbps.
The negative so far of the other solo compared to the Yamaha is that I can’t seem to get as many financial and news broadcast. So the Yamaha seems to have more choice in this area.
To run DL calibration you need internet access.
Most calibration are like that these days though.
EVERSOLO DMP-A8 plays Apple hi res lossless natively!
Looks like it Uses Android phone turned side ways For the display. You download Apple music on to the device itself. So there is no need to use your iPhone or iPad to stream the music to the player itself.
It is a streamer, DAC and pre-amplifier in one. So all you need to have a complete system, is an amplifier and speakers.
I just got mine so I’m still learning.
Personally at that price I’d just get a Mac Mini and a display.

No restrictions on content or software.
Hello All,

I am in the quest of audio equipments. I am new to this and I have been reading this forum and all the youtube influencers for the past month.
My head about to explode from all the reviews I've seen.

Anyways, my action plan began and I bought a Technics SL-1500C and now I am actively looking for the rest of the stack.

It seems that the Yamaha R-N2000A is the last item standing on my list for my needs:
- Room correction (a must for me)
- Streamer
- HDMI Arc (don't know if mandatory or not, but I like the idea of having it)
- Can connect the SL-1500C
- Looks beautiful

I also considered the Nad M10 V2.

I plan on buying Buchardt S400 MKII (or maybe A10 depending on what will be said in this thread).
The room is 25 square meters, but could be 50 (long rectangle room, separated by double doors).

My question is: if I don't buy the 2000A, and I want the same (or better) audio quality but in different parts (to avoid a potential technological obsolescence of the all-in-one) what different parts should I consider?
Should I just stick to the Yamaha and enjoy?

As you can see, all my options are open as I don't have anything except a turntable and beautiful records (that I can still hear on my Klipsch the One II. Yea I know.).
Buchardt S400 is highly overrated in my opinion. Have heard them in two different locations and have to say I was extremely underwhelmed especially considering the hype. Everyone is different, just throwing that out there so you listen before buying.
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