I heard that B&K target was made for headphones. I know it is still preference but is it ideal to use it on my Edifier MR4 speakers?
Edifier MR4's official frequency response. B&K target curve has Harman-like looking on lower frequencies while it starts to go lower than flat after 1K. When I check MR4's frequency response as you see above, the speakers are bright on high frequencies. As a newbie, using B&K made sense for me since it's high-freq curve eliminates MR4's bright high-freqs while it adds a bit of bass just as Harman target.
Edifier MR4's official frequency response. B&K target curve has Harman-like looking on lower frequencies while it starts to go lower than flat after 1K. When I check MR4's frequency response as you see above, the speakers are bright on high frequencies. As a newbie, using B&K made sense for me since it's high-freq curve eliminates MR4's bright high-freqs while it adds a bit of bass just as Harman target.