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Visualizing the Topping D50s FIR modes


Apr 30, 2020
Woodside, CA
I bought a D50s which I'm very happy with, but I wanted to understand the difference between the FIR modes.

I connected it to my (very old, analogue) oscilloscope and snapped some pictures of the waveform of a 980Hz square wave (sampled at 44100Hz) in the seven different FIR modes, and I thought you would like to see them.

1. D50s Mode 1.jpeg2. D50s Mode 2.jpeg3. D50s Mode 3.jpeg4. D50s Mode 4.jpeg5. D50s Mode 5.jpeg6. D50s Mode 6.jpeg7. D50s Mode 7.jpeg

To my eye, Mode 4 looks the closest to an actual square wave (and this holds for other "straight" waveforms too, such as sawtooth or triangle), but I understand that this mode can introduce some high frequency aliasing.

To me, they all sound identical, my ears cannot tell one from another, but it's interesting to actually see the differences. Makes a reasonable function generator though. (!)
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