It’s definitely ‘behind the box’ as a starting point. On some of the bigger Danley products, it’s actually much farther back than you’d think. The first, second and third time I measured an SBH10 I threw away all the data because it just didn’t make sense
@hardisj once you’ve managed the SH50 solo, try and tackle a J7-95 back at the factory. They’re not massively larger than the SH50 physically, but I’m pretty sure there are neutron stars with less density. It’s always fun watching the hired help try to unload the truck with those…
@Tom Danley hello buddy! I’ve also been very curious what filter length you ended up with on the Hyperion FIR if HQ will allow you to share?
I never cease to be impressed with how open you’re allowed to be with these things. The other speaker design whizz kids have to be pinned down at a trade show and plied with good food or booze before they spill the beans!