First off, I hope everyone is having a great day.
I designed and posted this amplifier schematic over at AudioKarma and my first reply was it is a total waste of time and money, just set it up for the tube you want and be done with it. Also, the real knowledgeable people did not get involved. Below is what I wrote over there after I was told this. I am posting it here for a more scientific review
Thank you for the replies. A little background, and my case in theory.
This amp was designed using all Toroidal Transformers, thus the lower cost.
This all started as a training exercise for me and a challenge to myself to design an input stage that could actually roll the input tubes. As I have no one to sit down with and teach me and a friend who is willing to look things over by eyeballing it.
I was already looking at using new issue Tung-Sol 7581 output tubes and read a few places that they are real nice to 85% and 30 watts plate dissipation. I went with 84%. That puts the KT-88/6550 right at 70% plate dissipation using a 6.6K output transformer.
Then I thought, I could do the phase inverter stage like the input stage and ran scenarios for that. The results were just as good as the input stage. Russian tubes were used as an example for using shields and represent a higher amperage draw, 6.3V, 12AX7 input and 6CG7 phase inverter tubes. The 6N6P also has a higher 6.3V amperage draw and is supposed to be a superior sounding tube and, what if it's not or I want to compare tube sound, I can swap it out to a 6SN7. 6CG7 or 12AU7 with the same amplitude with minor adjustments. The same with the input stage and the 6N2P-EV could probably be changed to a 5751 tube with just a voltage change and maybe it would need a couple minor adjustments or any of the other tubes listed on the schematic for that matter.
It was never about the output circuit, that was just a quaint circumstance. It is about the rest of the amp and how one could find a great sounding, low distortion amplifier by rolling tubes. As for sockets wearing out, use socket savers. As for the output stage, set it up how you want.
All this stuff is a waste of money unless you are loaded so you must look at this as an investment in the future in some way. Adding some switches, trimpots and tube sockets to get something more superior is a minor expense in my opinion. Making it with long lasting parts and love is priceless.
I have changed the schematic to 5751 input tubes and 6550A output tubes with 5k 100 watt 40% UL tapped transformers to start with. I left room on in the chassis so Dynaco A431s transformers can be added at a latter date.
If anyone has the time to look this over, thank you. I will be looking forward to replies.
Regards, Tom