Hi all. Wondering, im using e50 with this. Im using the balance output of e50 to speakers and SE to l50. Does the sound difference significant using l50 between balance and SE.
Im thinking if i should change to balance input and balance output for headphon to / from l50.
The choice between balanced or unbalanced connection is dictated by two factors: noise rejection over distance and voltage gain over signal to noise ratio.
You can choose to use a balanced connection in order to prevent audio signal degradation over distance or to take advantage of a source higher nominal output level over balanced connection and use less voltage gain on the amplifier side in order to preserve or improve the system dynamic range (signal to noise ratio).
When I am talking about noise rejection, I am referring to the inherent noise floor present in all audio equipments.
If, on the other hand, the audio material is noisy, using a balanced connection cannot prevent the noise from the audio material to carry over the signal path.
In any case, if you decide to use a balanced connection I suggest to use headphones with balanced input and keep the entire system on balanced connections.
If you are thinking that using a balanced connection will make your headphones sound different or louder, don't go that route. An audio connection, balanced or unbalanced, is not supposed to alter the original audio signal, but to preserve it and reject or prevent any other interferences.
Headphones, like any other loudspeaker, are able to withstand a certain power capacity and to provide a certain SPL level that is alot higher than the level you are supposed to listen safely, without damaging your hearing.